|Twenty nine|

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This chapter is dedicated to my cousin and best friend Glen.


I peeled my eyes open, the bright rays blinding me, causing a groan to leave my lips. I try to stretch my hands but feel something huge restraining me,I turn feeling somehow panicked.

I turn and see a cute sight that will be embedded on my mind, this is clichè but I swear he looks so cute while sleeping,his lips patted as he inhales slightly.

I smile feeling blessed to have such a mate even though he was almost taken away from me.

I struggle to pull away and thank goodness he doesn't hold me tightly. I leave and head to the bathroom,after doing the regular stuff,I head out, I see him still sleeping with a goofy smile as he inhale my pillow making me smile.

I head downstairs to get breakfast,I head to the kitchen,where a beautiful old woman is sitting,she turns around and when she sees me her eyes turns fearful, making me halt.

"Good morning." I greet her with a smile. Her eyes widen and she bows her head muttering a barely audible 'morning'

I stare at her for a while before deciding to forget about it, I sit on the island and stare at her as she cooks.

"What would you like my queen?" She asks still bowing, making me feel uncomfortable.

"Um pancakes if it's okay with you." I say with a smile which of course she doesn't see because she is bowing. This is so uncomfortable.

"Why a-are you bowing?" I stutter slightly not used to the attention and the bowing.

"Queen Natalie,says we should bow to her my queen." She says using the title again making me cringe.

"Um Christel is fine,no need to use titles." I say with a slight smile again.

She looks up slightly surprised and she smiles too making me smile brightly.

"My name is Corazon." She says with now looking at me ,which makes me sigh with relief.

"Nice to meet you Corazon." I smile, wondering what Natalie did to this people. No wonder during dinner they looked pretty scared. Whatever she did affected them really badly.

She goes back to cooking and within no time a plate of pancakes is placed in front of me. I dig in feeling quite hungry.

And I swear this pancakes are the best thing I've ever tasted. I ask for bacon and some coffee.

Someone wraps their hands around my waist from behind me. Out of reflex, I hit the person with my elbow causing a grunt to leave their lips. Sparks arises though and I let out a sigh.

I turn around seeing Damon rubbing his stomach making me smile.

"Damn, you really hit hard." He says smiling giving me a peck on my hair.

"It's rude to sneak up on people." I send him a playful glare.

"Whatever." He says rolling his eyes, sitting right next to me.

Corazon brings him a plate too and we eat in a comfortable silence. That reminds me

"Uh... Damon where are the rest of the pack members?" I ask since this pack is really huge he needs a big place to feed them.

"They are on the other side of the pack house where they have breakfast but some have their own homes so few actually live in this pack house even though it's this huge we even have alot of spare rooms since some moves with their mates." He says.

Wow that's amazing. Back in that pack I used to call home, we all lived in the pack house and no people living separately.

We eat comfortable until I hear someone squeal. I turn around to see Leila with a huge smile on her face and right behind her are her parents who are smiling too.

"Good morning you two." She spoke, a sly smirk sliding to her lips. What's she up to?

"Morning." I chirp while Damon grumbles the words out.

"So what happened last night? Am I an aunt already?" She squeals, smirking at me in the process. My cheeks heat up and I choke on my coffee.

"No!" Both Damon and I both scream in shock and disbelief at how blunt she is.

After greeting Damon's parents who insisted I call them by their first names or mom and dad which I preferred their names of course, we had a peaceful breakfast.

After breakfast, Leila insisted on taking me shopping which I didn't agree to but her being so persuasive she drags me there. Going to different stores and I'm really embarrassed to say I hardly knew any of them. After getting a bunch of dresses, which was obvious I didn't enjoy, sweatpants, sweatshirts, croptops, heels, bras etc, she was finally satisfied. The amount of money we spent almost gave me a heart attack but she assured me that what I used was half the amount she normally uses which made my jaw drop. She really likes. No she loves shopping.

I arranged all my stuff on the other half of the closet, which took three hours to actually complete it.

When we had gone shopping with Maddie I had not shopped this much.


Oh god Maddie I forgot to call her! I let out a scream and within no time Damon was checking me to see any injuries.

"Why did you scream Christel?" He asked pinching the bridge of his nose making me smile sheepishly.

"Sorry, but I forgot to phone my friend, I promised her I was gonna call her when I got here safely. Oh God she must think I abandoned her,.or I'm dead or I was attacked,or-" I keep going through the possible scenarios going through her head.

"Breath Christel, I don't think she will be mad at you,just call her and find out I am sure she is alright." He says as he places both of his hands on my shoulder.

I inhale deeply before muttering an okay.

He hands me his phone and leaves the room as I immediately type in Maddie's number.

It rings a couple of times before someone picks it up.

"Hello?" The person answers cautiously and I instantly recognize her.

"Maddie? I'm so sorry I didn't call you sooner. I forgot and many things has happened recently, please don't get mad at me." I plead. The line goes dead for a while before I hear sniffling.

"Maddie what's wrong?" I ask feeling worried and anxious to know what's going on.

"S-she's d-dead." She sniffles again. My heart rate picks up, as I dread to ask who but I have a pretty good idea who it is.

Tears begins to form in my own eyes as I try to convince myself it is not her.

"Who Maddie? " I ask trying to keep my voice steady and that's when she tells me and the phone immediately slips from my hand.

"M-my m-mom."


I'm rereading this and cringing! Damn! I'm really horrible at this :(

Mtb is rated 18 in werewolf,even if it's for a while, I'm really happy. At least my story is getting somewhere.

1. 48K reads, thank you so much.






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