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My eyes immediately snaps opened as I frantically looked around. This place is beyond scary and only goddess knows why I haven't had a panic attack yet.

The single bulb above me barely provides any light causing my eyes unbelievable pain. I squint my eyes severally to get accustomed to this horrible light. I try hard not to let it affect me.

My thoughts immediately goes to my sister whom I trusted with everything, I loved her. I hardly know this guy but I can help but feel he's actually telling the truth.

She may not have been my real sister but I loved her like one, trusted her and gave her my trust. Trust. Something people don't usually give out so easily. I had grown up being hated so much that she was the only person I could actually give it to.

Before my thoughts can get any deeper, the door slams open and my mind immediately recalls the gigantic and scary guy and without warning, my heart begins pounding so hard against my chest that I thought I was going to pass out. Even his height is enough to send shivers of fear down my spine. He strides towards me in quick steps as I breath in in short harsh pants.

"Great you're up! Now shall we begin?" He states a smirk forming on his thin lips making my face pale in nothing but fear. What does he mean though? Begin what? Torture or...rape?

He leaves the room and comes back almost immediately and what he is carrying turns my blood cold and my face pales.

In his hands he is carrying a long silver whip, two silver daggers and a syringe with some liquid inside...oh my gosh. Is that wolfsbane? I stare at him with a look of horror and pain.

"Please don't do this to me, if you want I can give you money or anything you want." I whisper harshly as hot tears form in my eyes before a huge one trails down my cheeks. I'm pathetic, I know but I'm afraid. The look he's giving me right now is enough to scar me for life.

Who would want to get hurt? No matter how strong I may act, the thought of being whipped, stabbed or being injected with wolfsbane doesn't sound good at all. It's beyond terrifying.

"Oh no, you are never leaving here and if you are, it will be when you are dead." He promises with no sign of remorse. In fact, he was enjoying himself; loving pain and suffering.

He walks towards me his face conveying all the emotions that I need to know that this was not going to end well for me. He brings the whip along with him and fear crawls up my body steadily until I am a trembling mess. I wonder though, why torture me? Why not just kill me immediately? Why let my life become more miserable and painful, if at the end of it all I'd just end up dead anyway.

"We will start with the whip first," he mutters as he steps closer to me. Since I'm chained, there is nothing much I can do except to struggle which is futile though. Do killers tell their victims which torture device they want to use first though?

I bow my head as he approaches me, his steps not faltering as he gets closer and before I know it, he swings it and I close my eyes shut, willing myself to block everything out before the torture begins.

I feel the crack of the whip as it makes contact with my clothed back making me hiss in pain. I try so hard to hold in a groan that threatens to leave my lips.

He brings it down hitting me harder than the first time causing pain to flow through my weak body. He does this again and again until I could barely hold my screams. Loud cries leaves my lips as tears trail down my pale cheek.

My body grows numb as he lifts the whip again. He does this a couple of times as my vision starts to fade into nothing.

I try to resist the oncoming darkness but the continuous hitting on my back makes it impossible for me.

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