Chapter 6

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Perrie's POV

I couldn't sleep this night, and it wasn't even like I was tired. It was like I didn't want to sleep. And I knew the reason, because since I talked to that girl, Audra, I think her name was, I couldn;t think about anything else, and I think I can do so much for her, I mean, I have Liam's contact number on my phone, I know him personally, and I'm engaged to one of his band members, so is there something I can't do? 

The only problem, I promised Audra I won't reveal her secret to anyone. But hey, Zayn isn't anyone. I can tell him. Can't I?

But you promised, Perrie Louise Edwards. I argued with myself.

Yeah. But  Zayn doesn't count. I fought back.

He is anyone, you promised not to tell anyone. I said back. Wait, what?

Perrie Louise Edwards,(age 21) from the four-peice girl band, Little Mix, fiancee of Zayn Malik, talks to herself in the middle of the night when she can't sleep. She was reported to be arguing with her own self, that if she should reveal Audra Rayne's (age 20) secret to her to-be husband Zayn Javadd Malik.

Woah,did I actually say all that? When did I become that sarcastic. Still, whatever that was, should I, or should I not? I think I should, but I think I shouldn't.

Gee, that was messed up.

I meant, that a part of me thinks that I should, but the other part of me thinks I shouldn't. But I think I should, but then, I shouldn't. 

Okay, stop. Tell Zayn, he won't tell anyone. He's nice. Well, he won't, because I'll tell him not to. But he won't tell anyone. I'm sure of that.

So, I have the natural reaction. I call Zayn. I'm on voicemail, what do I say? 

"Hey. Zayn, It's Perrie. Guess what, I'm in town right now. Do you want to meet? You know the place. Love you." And then cut the line. 

Wow, his reaction needs to be a reaction picture. He's probably going to be surprised and excited. Also counting the fact that this was sent at 12:30 a.m.

the next day

Zayn's POV

"Hey. Zayn, It's Perrie. Guess what, I'm in town right now. Do you want to meet? You know the place. Love you." 

She's here right now, she's in town, my babe's in town.

I call her. 

"Hello?" I hear her voice from the other end.

"When and where?" I ask. 

"Zayn. Seems like you got the message. Come to the park at arounf 9 p.m." She says.

The deserted park, no one comes there. No one, I should have thought of that.

"And get Liam with you. Please." She finishes. 

"Liam? Why. Is something wrong?" I ask her. 

"Yeah, something. Where are you at the moment? Are you alone?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm in my room, I'm alone." I say.

"Okay, listen." She says.

Perrie's POV

By the time I'm done telling him the story, it almost seems like he didn't hear me at all, because there was almost no voice at the end, but when I hear his breath over the other end, I realise he was holding his breath until the end of the story.

God, he's cute.

"So, that's why you want me to bring Liam?" He asks.

"Yeah. Yes." I say.

"But what if Liam doesn't want to meet her, he never mentioned an Audra Rayne." He says.

"Well, we'll never get to know unless we try, but I can tell you that her pain (payne xP) sounded real. You just gotta trust me on this. You bring Liam, and I'll make sure Audra's there." I say.

"Fine, babe. I'll trust you, the deserted park, at eight?" He says.

I crack a smile."Yeah. And don't tell any one else, the boys included, about this." I say.

"Consider it done, I can't wait to meet you. I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say. and then hang up. 


Sorry, short chapter. ILYSM for your patience <3 

Thank you so much for 400 reads. 

Next chapter will be longer. Thank you so much :) ily <3 <3

Hope you enjoyed this short, Zerrie chapter. 

And I'll be randomly dedicating my chapters to voters, followers or commentors, so please vote or comment if you like my work :)

Tysm again <3

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