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Chapter one.

THREE MONTHS AGO I didn't expect myself to be in this position.

I didn't expect that I would be burying both of my parents and now I have no real family, not ones who matter or who even bothered with us when my parents were alive.

My parents died in a car crash on their way to their anniversary meal. 30 years and still so much in love.

A drunk driver the police said, the driver ran a red light and drove straight into my parents car and which made them crash into a tree.

The part that didn't make sense? The driver survived.

So he makes the mistake of drink driving and survives whilst my parents that saved people's lives on a daily basis, they died all because someone wanted to get drunk and drive home.

Right now I am currently standing in my family home, a house that was once filled with love and laughter now it's filled with strangers telling me how sorry they are and how amazing my parents were.

I know how amazing my parents were, I don't need strange people I've never met telling me and pitying me, i don't want any of this. I wanted to wake up tomorrow and this all be a dream.

The only reason this was put together this wake is because my best friend told me it would be nice to remember my parents with the people they worked with and people who loved them.

I didn't want to be here, I didn't want to be in this house.

I wanted to be at my apartment crying into my pillow with a tub of ice cream whilst watching the notebook.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, your parents were amazing people who loved you very much." and another person said to me.

"Thank you." I said politely.

"They were an amazing couple. I remember them from school."

"Thank you" I said once again.

I don't know how long I can keep up with this false smile and being polite.

"Okay, it's time to go now, I know Khloe would like some time alone. Thank you all so much for coming, Deborah and Antony would have appreciated it." I heard Lyla speaking. When she looked over I gave her a small smile as a thanks, she knew when i have had enough.

When everyone left I collapsed on the sofa, I knew Lyla would stay, she hasn't left my side for the last for the last 2 weeks. Not even going home. My parents were like parents to her seeing as her own don't care about her or make the effort.

Two whole weeks since my parents died.

Two weeks since I felt like a part of me was missing.

I'm meant to go to my parents Will hear tomorrow but I don't know how I can officially cope with knowing they are definitely gone.

"Come on, let's get ready for bed." Lyla said

"Thank you for today, i don't know how I would have coped without you" I said giving her a hug.

"They were like my parents as well Khlo, don't ever forget you have me." she said as I walked away.

It didn't take me long to get ready for bed. It feels strange to be back in my childhood room, when me and Lyla turned 18 we moved out for University and then we both saved to move into an apartment together when we graduated.


My alarm was set for 07:30am I have to be at the lawyers office by 10:00 and it takes 30 minutes to get there.

When I did finally dragged myself out of bed and get dressed it was 9:30, looks like I don't have time to eat.

I know Lyla would want to come with me today but this is something I need to do by myself.

When I finally arrived at the lawyers it was 10 o'clock so I was right on time. I walked in and walked up to the receptionist.

"Hello, Welcome to R&K Family Law, how can I help you today?" She said whilst smiling at me.

"I'm here to see Mr Kayden Smith, I have an appointment at 10am. My name is Khloe Quinn.'' I smiled at her.

"Let me just have a look, oh here is your appointment Khloe Quinn, Mr smith is waiting for you, if you take the right turning it will take you towards the lift click number 22, when you get out of the lift if you turn left it should take you straight to his office. Have a lovely day Miss Quinn." She said with a small pity smile, she must read what my appointment was for.

I followed her instructions and i knocked on his door.

"Come in." I heard so I walked in.

I had met Kayden before when I was a lot younger, he hasn't changed a bit. Still the same grey hair and white suits.

"Ah Khloe, I'm so sorry to hear about your parents. Your father was an amazing buddy." He said standing up pointing to a chair I can sit on.

"Thank you, I received a phone call about a will?" I said getting straight to the point.

"That's fine, let me just get them." He said pulling a big yellow envelope out of his desk draw.

"Here we are, this letter is for you to read when you are alone." He said handing me a letter to me.

"In the event that Deborah and Antony Quinn passing we name our benefactor our daughter Khloe Quinn.

Khloe will have the house, cars and holiday homes.

Khloe will also have our life savings of 40 million pound and the money that is currently in our banks the day of passing.

Khloe will be allowed to decide if she would like to keep the items or sell them but we ask her to keep the gold chain locket that is in our safe with our wedding ring and Deborah's engagement ring

We would like Lyla O'Neill to have the house in Paris and the house in Scotland. " He read out from the paper.

"That is all. Is there anything else you would like to talk about?" He said handing me over the will so I could read it.

"Yes, I would like all the money that they have in their banks to be transferred to Lyla O'Neill," I said. I could tell by his face he was shocked.

"That is £400,000 are you sure?" He said confused.

"Yes I'm sure, they were like parents to her, she deserves it as much as I do." I said.

"I will make sure that is done. Is there anything else?' He smiled.

"No not today. Thank you so much for all of your hard work towards my family, we will be in touch soon." I said standing up and shaking his hand.

" I said standing up and shaking his hand

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Don't forget.




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