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'So let me get this right. You want me to design Khloe a dress?'

'Yes. I need it done by next month, without her knowing please,' I asked Lyla.

'But. Why so soon?' She said confused.

'Because its going to be her birthday, she's going to be 30. I want to throw her a big party with our family and friends. She deserves it doesn't she?'

'Okay, any colours material on the dress? She does deserve it.'

'I want it to be navy blue, no straps and i want it to be tight but has a long bit at the end?' I said trying to describe the dress I imagine her in.

'Heart neckline, tight fit and a trail got it. I cant believe your doing this for her, you're good to her.' She said putting her notebook away.

'I do try, I wasted 6 years I'm not going to waste anymore.' I said shaking my head.

'Good.' she said before walking away.

I was working in the shop today because I have a busy week, I haven't let slip about the party yet and I haven't told Bailey, the girl is too much like me. She can't keep a secret to save her life.

'Hey Ink.' Kid said coming in the shop.

'Hey Kid, what do you want today?' I asked him preparing my station.

'This is going to sound stupid, but I want L on my ring finger. I'm going to propose. Do you think she's going to say yes?' He said nervously.

'Course she will, you've been together for years kid. I don't see why she wouldn't.'

'Cheers thanks bro. How's my sister and niece?' He asked.

'All good, I cooked for them a couple of nights ago, Khloe's been acting off. I think its because her birthdays coming up and she's not used to doing anything so she thinks if she don't talk about it that I'll forget.' I said laughing

'I can't believe my little sister is going to be 30. I feel old man.' He said shaking his head.

It took a total of 15 minutes to do his tattoo and it's actually not a bad one. I hope she does say yes for his sake and mine, if she doesn't ill have to laser that off and i can tell that would be a killer.


It's two weeks till her birthday now and I've bought all the decorations and items to deck the clubhouse in for her party, I have a surprise for her after. I'm taking her to her favourite restaurant after just the two of us for some alone time seeing as we always take Bailey with us.

'Hey B, i want a new tattoo.' Khloe said coming into the shop surprising me.

'What are you doing here?' I said confused because she wasn't meant to be here. I closed the laptop down so she doesn't see the site i was on.

'What are you hiding?' She said putting her hand on her hip to intimidate me.

'Presents for Bailey for Christmas, got to get in early.' I said faking laughing.

'B, we got 5 months till Christmas, don't start yet. She'll want different things by then.' She said shaking her head.

'Okay, what do you want?' I asked her.

'I want this.' and she showed me a beautiful picture of a leg piece.

'That's nice.'

'Thank you, I want it to start at my hip though, I want to get rid of these marks.' She said pointing to the scars she got when she was younger.

'They tell a story Khlo, dont get rid of them.' I said.

When Khlo and Lyla were 16 they tried to jump out of her window to go to a concert, what they didnt expect was the jump to be really high and a newly placed bench where they were supposed to land, so Khloe ended up breaking her leg and scaring her hip whilst Lyla got off scot free because she didn't jump when after she saw what happened to Khlo.

'I don't care, want it covered so getting it covered. Now, are you going to do it or do I have to ask your handsome younger assistant?' She said winking at me because she know it drives me insane when she talks about my assistant.

'I will, take your shorts off, lay on your side.' I said instructing her how to lay but she's had tattoos done enough times to know what to do.

'Yes sir!' She saluted sarcastically.


It's edited.

I don't know how I feel about this chapter, it's just a filler🤦🏻‍♀️.

Next chapter is her birthday👯

Don't forget




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