5.4:"More than just wanted"

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"Y-You, what?". Sophia asked shocked

"Yes, If you are guessing if our father cheated on your mother you are right". Mariah replied,"He had a affairs with my mother behind your mother back".

Before she could say anything more Sophia ran inside the house and inside her room falling on the ground as a sob wreck through her body. She couldn't believe that her father could stoop that low that he had cheated on her mother.

As much as she remembers, her mother was a noblewoman who held her values firmly. Sophia couldn't believe what would have happened if her mother was here and she found this information.

It hurt too bad.

Even worse than all the beating she had endured through her life. Having known that her father wasn't even faithful to a woman who had sacrificed so much hurt so much.

"Sophia". She heard him say softly

She stood from the ground looking at him as tear fall freely down her cheeks. He had been quiet throughout the whole scene he wasn't sure what he should be saying. Mariah wanted to break her so badly that she didn't even care about anything or what piece of information she was allowing the world to know.

Some secrets are better of secrets.

Allah had asked us to hide sin and now people display them freely to the world. He hated how she manages to break his wife, again. He hates how she cannot even spend a day without being hurt no matter how hard he tries.

He had recently seen the small changes and little hope in her life. He had seen her changing and trying to be better. He had stayed by her side, quietly, watching her growing but somehow the world is only bringing her pain each day.

He watched her broken eyes looking at him clearly asking him why it has to her but he had no answer. He walked closer to her and she wrapped her arms around him voluntarily which shocked him but he had been wanting to comfort her by hugging her for so long that he hugged back immediately.

He didn't know what he can say to heal her or comfort her so instead of words he had allowed his stronghold around her holding her together to convey his feelings.

"I want to open my case". Was her first words after the disastrous day

He looked at her nodding, "I will speak to father and we will open it".

That was it.

She was done giving chances to people who didn't deserve it. Her father had committed many crimes but until they were only on her it was fine but her mother was cheated on which doesn't sit well with her. She needed to have him pay for what he did.

Adding, that her family was not stopping troubling her life which had been causing the life she was trying so hard to build break every other day. She had been fighting their nightmare with Adil each night as he comforts her but they never stop. Maybe, because those people were not accounted for their crimes.

The week started and so does the function in the house. The house was filled with beautiful lights, laughter and more. Since she was their daughter-in-law and new one too she was introduced to all who seems to like her.

She walked in the garden after a grand meeting and today was henna function she wanted to have a little time to herself. She looked at the lighting outside the house which was brightening the house admiring it. She wondered if her life will be this bright, ever.

"You seems to like my hard work". He stated standing beside her liking the look on her face

She nodded smiling cute-ly, "You seems to have a really good taste".

"It took you this long to realise that you should have known the day I married you". He said smirking

She rolled her eyes, "I don't know where you learn these type of line but you need to stop. They make you seem stupid".

He grinned charmingly, "Oh, come on, girls like it".

She narrowed her eyes, "Really?. How many girls have you tried that on?".

"One". He said smiling

"If that girl liked it she has an awful taste". She replied shrugging

"It was just on my wife who doesn't seem to like it. Maybe, I should try on the ladies that are in the house today". He said smirking

She grinned at him and his heart skipped a beat, "That would be fun. I remember your cousin Asim asking me-".

"What did he asked?". He asked jealously

She smirked, "Now, now, what made you so angry, my dear husband?".

"Sophia". He said angrily

"Now you know how it feels when you speak about other girls?. Also, you don't have any cousin whose name is Asim". She said laughing at the end of her words

"Oh, you think it's funny?". He said pulling her to his chest liking her laughter and the glee in her eyes

She giggled raising her head looking in his eyes nodding.

"Well, you are very important to me someone I wanted for a long time and someone I cannot lose. Having you away or someone better stealing you will hurt a lot". He said tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear

She felt more than just wanted. She was needed.

"One, you shouldn't be comparing yourself to others because I am not their wife. Two, I have a right to decide if you are best for me and I know by heart you are the best person in my life. Three, you will never lose me because I love you, Adil". She said grinning at him with a light blush on her face

His eyes widen then soften as he gazes down to his life tracing the blush on her cheeks, "You are my love for eternity, Jaan (life)".

Then, the function started and with each function their lives were more brightened. It was the wedding day when his mother had said that she wanted her to be a bride along with his older son's bride so they can accept her in front of the world.

Everything was done perfectly and soon she was accepted in front of the whole world with respect.

Her family was arrested and jailed for life after a month of their marriage and their lives were now actually starting as they have accepted one another.

"Do you think we will be good parents?". She asked she laid beside him and her head on his chest

They have completed their education two years ago. While, Sophia wanted a family of her own and create a world of her own she wasn't able to at first and now they were finally blessed. Tests and patience were all it takes.

"Maybe not perfect but we will be there no matter what". He replied

They were blessed by a baby girl and everyone was cheerful. Their daughter- Afiah- had everyone around her fingers since she was loved so much her mother sometimes cries too.

She had never expected to come so far and see so much. Adil had been her support no matter what. When she felt weak and just like he had promised he was always there for her.

Adil hadn't asked anything more than her happiness. He had seen the woman groom into a person who had won her battle, smiling, glowing and a mother to his child. The happiness he had felt when he found he would have a child with the love of his life he had cried and prayed for this blessing.

Indeed, it was a blessing.

Life, wasn't meant to be easy neither we can hope for it. But, we have to believe in the journey written for us.

Some sad.

Some good.

Some different.


Sophia and Adil.

The End.

The Tales of love- INơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ