27.5:"Layers of life".

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Before, you get into it. This story was super hard to write and I absolutely love writing it at the same time. I remember how I just wanted to be free to finish it's chapter and each detail needed.

I hope you enjoy its ending and do tell me about it.

Thank you.



It's a continuous process that always surrounds all of us but somehow we stay oblivious of it. The day we were born thousands died at the same moment.

The moment we started to understand the world around us we were taught the concept of death.

Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

Truly to Allah we belong and truly we will return to him.

It will come to those who live no matter what.

When?. No one knows and that uncertainty should make us think of death at every single action we do.

The world is manipulating.

It traps us into thinking we are not going to die soon and that our sins can be washed later.

What if we never have that later in the first place?.

She has witnessed death not once but twice from real close and her father dying in front of her eyes when his body was also taken away from her to not even say her proper goodbyes. Death doesn't affect her because she never forgets it.

It did hurt when she realised she had no idea what his real name was and no way to find his family.

He had cancer.

He never once said a thing about it due to which they cannot keep his body long because of the decaying. She had no idea even if she tries she can ever get anything.

So, she did what his family should have done.

She fulfilled his last wish to sell his taxi and give the money in an orphanage.

Her heart still breaks at knowing there would be no one who can guide her now. But he already helped her for life and she knows it. Like his reason to be in her life was completed and her reasons to her in his was completed.

Every single person has a reason to be in our lives some are there for us to be tested while some are there to guide us through life.

He was her light.

She was doing so wrong and she realised that.

She prayed for him to not be punished in the end but he always said that his Lord should punish him because he had looked down on his beloved being (woman) who he had asked repeatedly in clear words to be placed higher.

He had insulted her and he never forgave himself maybe that's why he had asked her to forgive everyone because that was a way to also forgive ourselves for our mistakes. We learn to forgive ourselves by forgiving others.

"Ginger, que voulez-vous dire (what do you mean)?". She asked confused

"They know about your marriage". Ginger explained

"Doesn't matter". She replied shortly

"You know you broke my heart?". She heard the cringe-worthy voice of Rizwan

"Who's that?". Ginger asked on the call

"Idiot". She replied to Ginger taking steps down the last steps of stairs, "Please handle this and let me know where the procedure is at the moment".

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