32.1:"It begins".

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I know I said I will be here at 11 June but I can't wait. I have been writing in my free time but my exams still ends at 11 June. Since I manage to write this through I thought why not publish this. I hate publishing when I can't do it everyday now that I am sure here is your treat from me for your love.

Also, I absolutely love these characters and hope to see what you think about them. 🙈

Pray for my exams and that someone stop my procrastination. 🤓


She sighs.

It's every day she does that.

She looks at her twin sister who is the complete opposite of her. While she is all black and a tomboy. Her sister is the princess of the house and everyone.

She is Hadiya and her twin is Khadija.

"I am so nervous". Her sister said shaking her feet

"We are going to university it's no big deal". She replied shrugging

"But there are so many people and- and just so many". Her sister whines

She smiles at her innocence because she is pure for this world. Just like she is into more hard world her sister world is like soft candy.

"Don't worry. I will be there. Plus we already went in to look at it and you loved it". She said holding her hand smiling at her

"What about work?". Her sister asked

She stilled because she has to work every single moment of her life. It started when she was just 15 that their father made them come to his office.

Their father is the world richest man who loves rules and want everyone to obey him. Just like how hard her father is she is an exact copy of his because of which they never make peace.

Since they were 15 they were sent into the adult world to understand things they never even studied. When people were celebrating their good score, birthdays and more she was there with a world best guards and security teams understanding their functions.

Her father granted her the role of media and security while her sister has financial responsibilities. Which means while she is in the heat and on-street her sister is in her air conditioning room.

She straightens her leather jacket placing her hair in a messy bun looking over her sister nervously wrapping her white dress properly. She smiles holding her hand as the car stops in front of the university.

She immediately walks out wearing her sunglasses because her eyes get watery when in the sun which is absolutely horrible because she has to stay in the sun so much. She starts to walk forward to find her two best friends waving at her and she grins at them excited to meet them.

But then she stops looking behind her to not find her sister. She walks back shaking her head watching her friends face falling as she opens her sister side of the door taking her hand pulling her out.

"Now raise your pretty little head and walk". She said playfully

Her sister nodded walking beside her but she can see how nervous she is with so many eyes on them. These eyes followed them since they were born so she wasn't even bothered. It comes with their position and the people always want to look at them.

She walks towards her friends hugging them and talking to them. Then again she stops because her sister looks awkward. She knows if she tells their parents that she was like this it will only cause more problems so she asks her friend to leave even when she really wanted to go with them she didn't.

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