Chapter 4: Nest

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'Fear' has become such a passive emotion that Song can only sense its faint presence in his blood. But this isn't unique to him. Even Shu is the same as well.

Through torture, through pain, despair, starvation, all Purgers have been taught from birth to grit their teeth and move on, no matter what the world throws at them. Even when they're ordered to risk their lives to kill monsters that mean nothing to them, they've been desensitised to the point it feels just like any other errand of the week.

And that's why he hates his life as a Purger. The lack of free will, their fates dictated by a power they can't escape nor speak against.

"Kiin," Song growls, clenching his fists.

The evening light from the outside world is now but a pinprick behind them. However, scattered at distant intervals of the tunnel's walls are orbs of yellow light. Song recognises them. They're sunseeds, harmless concentrations of neutral magic to serve as light sources. But these sunseeds are dying from the lack of refuel. Right now they're only a fraction as bright as the lanterns back in the Shadow Palace. At least the neutral nature of the magic means they won't react with the Dan.

The deeper they delve into the tunnels, the cooler the air gets. Song suddenly feels a gentle breeze brush his cheek-

His instincts scream, forcing him to leap to the side. A metallic streak shoots past where Song once stood split seconds ago, and Shu barely manages to tilt his body in time to dodge the blade.

No time to stay shocked, Song charges forward to cover Shu. His adrenaline, in tandem with his focus, causes his once grey eyes to blaze in brilliant gold. Through his eyes, the dimly lit tunnels are bright as dawn now, and in the distance, a bulky silhouette is charging straight for him.

The monster lowers its shoulders, preparing to run him down. Song sidesteps it at the last moment and throws a jab to its side. He can feel his knuckles connect with something hard, and his attacker is thrown against the other side of the tunnel with a loud crash.

Now that he's up close with the creature, its features are in the spotlight. The beast pushes itself back onto its feet, and it's clear that it's at least two meters tall. Strangely, it has four massive, hulking arms, two of which are attached to its back. What catches Song's attention is its skin which gleams in an unusual sheen of silver. And its head- surrounding the beast's skull is a metallic ring, with a horn that reminds Song of the appearances of a rhino.

A tearing sound rends the air, and two more arms burst out of its back. With the same roar as before, the beast throws its colossal fist at Song. It's fast. Song counters with a punch of his own. A surge of dark purple energy flashes between the connecting fists, but it's the beast that's pushed back.

"Strong," Song remarks. And it has six arms now? Great.

The beast unleashes a barrage of punches at him. Song uses his arms and palms to deflect with blows, with such fluidity and ease it's as if the beast weighs no more than paper. Something sparks in Song's instincts- an opening. He sidesteps the next blow and fires his fist forward, crushing the beast's hip. Its silver skin cracks. Winded, it stumbles to the side.

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