Chapter 8: Sentence

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By the time the Purger pair penetrate through the last line of thicket surrounding the Shadow Palace, it's already late evening. Warm blades of light pierce through the canopy, cutting through the cold and bathing the forest in a fuzzy screen that almost feels dreamlike to Shu.

"Something doesn't feel right," Song suddenly says.

"Huh?" Shu doesn't sense anything. He focuses again, trying to pick out any human-sized hostile or even friendly Ki forces nearby. Nothing. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," Song answers darkly. "It just feels... too calm. Keep your guard up."

Shu nods. Song's senses are far more sharper than his, and to top it off, his uncanny instincts have a way with foretelling events so accurately it scares him sometimes.

"Think it's too late to turn back? Going back to the Palace..." Song mutters.

"If we aren't home by midnight, they'll have the entire Blossom hunt us down like animals. It's as good as a death sentence," Shu answers. "Even if your hunch is right, we should at least scope out the situation. We don't know anything yet."


Shu can tell Song still seems uneasy, but there's little they can do now. Many Apprentices and even Purgers have tried running from the Blossom before, but none have lived to tell the tale. And if Yan somehow chooses to betray them, then the penalty should probably be something he can handle too. Even he can't possibly be that stupid.

The two arrive at the bridge of the Shadow Palace. By now, Shu's worries are starting to recede. Song has never been wrong before, but maybe, just maybe, just this once, he might be paranoid. It's undeniable that the mission has been exhausting, even for the likes of them. Maybe Song is just on edge right now.

But after crossing the bridge, Shu realises immediately that something is indeed off. The Purger Apprentices standing by the turrets look unusually stiff. They watch as the boys approach the gate, neither of them batting an eye, not even a single wave to welcome them home.

The gigantic double doors part, and the metal creaks noisily against the stone. Shu clenches his fists and storms into the Palace with Song. The two make their way across the empty southern courtyard, which once again causes Shu's insides to churn with anxiety. Normally at this hour, there should still be a company of Apprentices training here. Why is it empty now?


One word from Song and Shu's combat senses flare. Dozens of Purger Apprentices swarm from both sides of the courtyard, several more pairs even leaping from the turrets to join their ranks. The Purgers encircle the pair in the blink of an eye, like shadows rushing into an unilluminated spot, each with a sabre in hand. Shu curses. Song remains cool as ice, observing the ranks calmly.

"What's this about?" Shu demands.

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