Chapter 21: Farewell

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Morning comes in the form of birdsong for the pair. Sunlight filters through the paper screens, bathing the room in a hazy glow and mixing its warmth with the dawning chills. Song stirs beneath the blanket, planting his face on Shu's shoulder, drool oozing from the corner of his lips.

"Eww, you idiot!" Shu pushes Song's head away. "First time in ages since we've shared a bed and this is what you do?" When his question is only answered with a snore, Shu sighs and sits upright, wiping his goo-covered shoulder. "Get up already. There's daylight."

This time, Song manages a slurry murmur. With no patience left to burn, Shu lightly slaps him on the cheeks several times.

"Stop..." Song slurs. "We don't even have training today."

"That's because it's our execution day." It somewhat horrifies Shu that he can say something so appalling with such calmness. "But it doesn't mean you can sleep in."

"And why not?"

"Because we're wasting the day away— our last day."

"The world is gonna end anyway even if I wake up... just let me sleep through it..."

"Geez..." Shu rolls his eyes. "It's all your fault for overdoing it."

Eventually, Shu is able to revive his to a certain extent. Song lazily pushes himself up, his eyes barely open. Before Shu can throw in any more disapproving remarks, someone outside rasps against the door.

"W-wait!" Shu panics, pulling the blanket up to cover his body.

The doors burst open, and a pair of Apprentices walk into the room, each with a tray of food in their hands.

"Brother Song, Brother Shu, breakfast is—" The Apprentice freezes at the sight of his naked seniors, and so does his partner. With comically widened eyes and his face beet-red, the young boy hastily says, "I-I'm sorry! I'm sorry! We'll put your breakfast here and leave."

The boys hurriedly leave the trays on the table and scramble out of the room, shutting the doors behind them. Shu sighs. Song yawns. Shu then slaps Song on the head and says, "You're such a bum that it's almost cute."

After washing up and getting changed, the boys settle down to have their breakfast. They eat in silence, though not much of the food is touched by the end of the meal. Shu can tell even someone as thoughtless as Song is perturbed by their impending fate. Nobody is ever truly prepared to die.

It wasn't as strong when he woke up, but now Shu can feel the anxiety mercilessly gnawing at his heart, the despair and desperation shaking his soul like the hands of a murderous madman around his victim's neck. It's driving him insane, and all he can do is stare in silence at the plates of unfinished noodles and dumplings.

"The duel starts in the evening, before dinner," Song says, his tone not betraying even a shred of fear or worry. "So what do you wanna do before that?"

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