Chapter 5: Anza

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"Geez..." Shu falls back on his bum, panting. "These things would've been so much easier..."

"If we didn't have to hold back our powers," Zhe finishes for Shu. He then looks towards Yan and Song. "At least you two don't have to worry about it, since your attacks are mostly physical."

Song notes the gash on Zhe's shoulder which he got before they met. According to Yan, they took another tunnel to arrive at this place, hence their lateness. Song was sceptical at first until he saw Zhe's wound. They must've had their fair share of Seekers to kill.

"I just want to go home and have a bath already," Shu says.

"Not yet," Song says.

"Yeah." Yan nods.

"So you guys feel it too?" Zhe asks.

"I feel it too. Doesn't make me want to go home any less though," Shu grumbles.

Neither of the boys have yet to voice it out, but they can all feel the same overbearing presence since the start of their battle. Such a heavy, otherworldly presence... and it's coming from within the chasm. This isn't something that a normal Dan mine should be harbouring.

"So what's the plan?" Yan asks.

"Lob a few Spirit Swords down there," Shu suggests. "Maybe a few explosions ought to get their attention."

Zhe raises his arms, and over thirty luminous blue swords, each adorned with beautiful runic symbols, hover around him. Justice- Zhe's Arcana ability, allows him to conjure these Spirit Blades made of pure Chi energy. With one swipe of his arm, he sends all of his blades down into the abyss. A second later, multiple explosions sound.

"Plan B," Song says immediately.

"Can't you have a little more faith in A first?" Shu rolls his eyes before checking the abyss. Still, nothing emerges.

"You could help with coming up with something, y'know?" Yan adds.

"Don't wanna."

Zhe lets out a snort of amusement. "Well, that's Song for you."

Yan sighs as he stares into the chasm. "I'll go in first, scout the area out then come back up to you."

"You?" Shu raises a brow, not quite believing what he's hearing. "Am I hearing this right? You are going down there first?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm the only one here who can do this," Yan says. "The rest of you are kind of worthless at this."

"Just go in and die already." Song folds his arms in displeasure.

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