Chapter 20: Love

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"Damn it!" Shu bellows, slumping onto his bed. "We were so close too!"

"You wish," Song says through a mouthful of pork bun. "If Kiin was there, that means leaving through that tunnel was the worst possible option we could've picked."

"I know that! It's just..." Shu groans and sits upright. "And why're you acting so calm about this? We don't have much time left!"

"It's not like we can do anything about it..." Song glances at the doors of Shu's quarters, where the silhouettes of an Apprentice pair can be seen through the paper screens.

After being escorted back to Shu's quarters, Kiin has ordered the area to be kept under tight supervision and security. Now that everyone knows of their attempt at escape, there's no chance of them leaving without fighting every single Purger in the Palace.

But what bothers Song more is his short battle with the Blossom's leader. Despite going at full power, Kiin was able to meet every single one of his attacks with ease. Song had never felt so outclassed in physical prowess before; not even Long in his best days could come close to Kiin's ludicrous speed and strength.

Without Yin, you don't stand a chance against Father. Song has never taken Long's words so seriously before. Although he can no longer deny that unleashing his Yin is necessary to beat Kiin, Song has never once triggered it in his lifetime. He doesn't even know where to begin in order to bring out that sort of power from the Chariot.

"I can't beat him like this," Song mutters.

Shu muses on what he said for a moment. "Kiin?"

Song nods.

Shu looks as if he's about to berate him for that, but thinks the better of it. "I've never seen you fight that hard before."

"Really?" Song looks down at his hands, wondering if his training during all these years have been for naught. If no matter what he does isn't enough to beat Kiin, then at the very least... "You should leave the Palace without me."

Shu's clenches his fists. "What did you say?"

"You heard me." Song meets his partner's furious glare head-on. "Yan said it himself; you're allowed to leave whenever you want, but I'm not."

"That's not the point. You know I'm not—"

"Don't be stupid!" Song raises his voice. "There's no point in dying with me for a mistake I made."

"You're the one that's stupid here!" Shu screams, his face flushing red. "I can't live without you, idiot! I have no other reason to live!"

"Then find a new reason! Just get out of my way! I don't need you with me, understand?"

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