Chapter 24: Song

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Song springs forward, detonating the ground behind him and firing himself at Kiin like a bullet. The god barely has time to parry Song's brutal sabre with his sword, and the clash sends a shockwave of Chi sweeping across the courtyard. His body feels as if it weighs nothing, yet his mind is burdened with vengeance; together, his body erupts into a frenzied sword dance, forcing Kiin back with each strike, brewing an even stronger typhoon as the fight drags on.

Song's next strike crushes hard against Kiin's guard, throwing him off his feet. He leaps forward before he can land, smashing against his defences, throwing him around the battlefield.

"This is absurd!" Kiin grits his teeth. "A primitive being like you―"

Zhi slices through his shirt, slashing his chest and sprinkling blood into the air. Though it's a score on his arch-nemesis, Song feels nothing from it, thinks nothing of it. Murder is just an order his machine of a body is complying to right now.

Kiin snarls, retreating. He summons luminous blue swords and fires them at him.


From Song's perspective, the blades are practically frozen in the air. He rushes forward, shattering the runic weapons with one cleave and presses his attack.

As Song's blade is about to meet Kiin again, he dissolves from plain sight.

The Moon...

Almost instantly, he can sense something from his left flank. Kiin reappears and strikes, but Song sharply blocks the attack without even turning his torso. Kiin disappears once more and emerges from another angle to strike, again and again, but Song guards against each and every one of them with ease.

Almost got his rhythm...

Kiin strikes from behind this time, but Song has already seen through moves. He turns around and swings Zhi hard, shattering Kiin's sword like glass. This time, Song feels a pinprick of arrogance inflating in his chest. He smirks.

With a look of bewilderment, then frustration, Kiin retreats and leaps into the air. Beams of light condense and shoot towards Song.

This time, Kiin's projectiles are almost as fast as a scampering rat from his perspective. Song sidesteps, twirls and twists through the rain of deadly beams, all the while never tearing his eyes off the so-called god. Song finds an opening through the rain and leaps into the air after him, Zhi poised to skewer his chest.

"Don't get cocky!" Kiin bellows, his body suddenly engulfed in white Chi. "I've not even started yet!"

Right as Song's blade is about to reach him, a crystalline Angel explosively blooms into existence from where Kiin once was. The Chi expelled from his transformation throws Song back onto the ground. He scrambles to his feet and studies Kiin's new form briefly. He's twice as big as he was before, and none of his human features remains. Kiin spreads his crystal wings, and a shockwave of Chi energy bursts from his magnificent form.

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