Flirty Dark Pit x Tango Dancer Reader: Talent show

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Hey guys! This was requested by
So here you go! Enjoy~

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon at the Smash mansion, and everyone was busy getting ready for the Smash Talent Show that took place annually. That's right- everyone in the Smash mansion was required to show off some kind of talent (that didn't involve fighting) in the show.

Although most of the smashers hated it, you actually enjoyed the chance to show off your skills. You had loved dancing ever since you were little, and everyone who saw you said you were a natural.
So of course that's what you did every year in the show.

But things were a bit different this year.
Your original partner had broken his leg, and you had to find someone to fill in for him.
The hard part was finding someone who:
A) knew how to dance, B) didn't already have an act prepared, and C) was actually willing to perform a tango onstage.

"I just can't find anyone." You sighed.
"Aww, (Y/n), you'll find someone to love you!" Pit reassured you.
You glanced back at your friend and snorted.
"Not like that Pit- I mean someone to dance with." You smiled at him.

The two of you were best friends, so naturally you came to him for help. You were currently sitting on a bench outside the Smash mansion, talking about your dilemma.
"Oh." Pit grinned goofily.
"Right...You know I would do it (Y/n), but I have two left feet." Pit laughed.
"And I'm already doing my routine with Kirby."

"Yeah. I know." You stuck your tongue out at the brown haired angel.
"I just don't even know who to ask."
Pit put his fingers to his chin thoughtfully.
"Have you asked Dark Pit? I don't think he likes dancing, but he doesn't have an act yet either so..." Pit suggested.

"Oh yeah! Duh." You laughed, smacking your forehead with your palm. "I can't believe I didn't think of that." You grinned. "Thanks Pit." You smiled, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.

"Aww, you're welcome (Y/n)." Pit laughed, hugging you back.
"I love hugs."

You pulled apart grinning, and ran back inside to find Dark Pit.
You were pretty good friends, and you always playfully flirted and joked around with each other.
He would say you were a great dancer- but he never wanted anything to do with it.
You were hoping maybe he'd make an exception for you just this once.

"Hey Dark?" You asked, knocking on his door. "Are you in there?"
"Sure am. Come on in sweetheart."
You heard him say.
"It's open."

You pushed the door open and swung it shut behind you, excitedly running over to where Pitoo was sitting on his couch.

"Hey! I've got something to ask you." You grinned, sitting down next to him.
"Shoot." He smiled back, raising an eyebrow.

" before you just say no immediately- think about it for one minute..." You said. "It's not what you think."

"Oooh. Okay." Dark Pit smirked.
"I like where this is going."

"W-what? Shut up." You laughed, playfully punching his arm.
"You don't have an act for the talent show yet- and I need a partner for mine, soooo." You smiled, leaning in towards him.

"Your partner, huh? I'm listening." He mused.
"Good." You grinned.
"Because I need a dance partner."

"Oof- no can do cutie." He crossed his arms over his chest.
"I don't dance."
"Awww c'mon." You pouted, sticking out your bottom lip.
"Please? I really need help with this."
You made your saddest puppy dog eyes at him.

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