Banjo x Shy Reader: Bachelorette Roulette

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Hey guys, this was requested by
LilTilOne3231 . Banjo is half of the Banjo/Kazooie tandem, and he is a bear. So... yeah... I wasn't thrilled with this concept at first, but my editor had a fantastic idea for this and, well... Things got interesting real fast.

It all started when you went to a girls-only slumber party the night before your birthday. There were only a few girls there, including Zelda, Peach, Palutena, Female Robin, and Lucina.
You were doing all the normal slumber party activities: pillow fights, movies, truth or dare, and, of course, the subject of crushes naturally came up.

After the girls teased Zelda about Link, they all turned to you expectantly.
"So birthday girl... Who do you like?" Palutena asked, a smirk on her face.

"N-no one." you blushed, not used to being the center of attention. Sure it was nice, but you were a shy girl.
Though you usually felt comfortable around your friends, being drilled about your crush was embarrassing.
"C'mon, you have to like someone." Zelda pressed.

You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest.
"I suppose I like someone."
"Who?" Peach asked, taking a bite of popcorn. "Does he make you feel like Mario makes me feel?"

"Banjo." you blushed, dropping your eyes to your lap. "You're in love with an instrument?" Lucina puzzled.
"She's talking about Banjo Kazooie." Zelda explained, attempting to help the puzzled bluenette.
"No, Banjo. The bear. Kazooie is the bird." you clarified.
"Oh." Zelda laughed. "Right."
Robin had been silent this whole time, listening to everyone talk about their crushes.
"Hmmm." she mused thoughtfully. This was her favorite part of every slumber party.
You see, Robin loved her OTPs, and she loved shipping people even more. She and Male Robin made it their personal mission to pair people up.

"So you like Banjo, huh?" Robin smirked.
A wonderful idea was coming to her. A birthday surprise you'd remember forever.
"Cool." she said, playing it off and examining her nails.
She couldn't have you getting suspicious.

That night when you fell asleep, Robin  explained her plan to the rest of the group, and then made a few phone calls.
She knew you were not expecting anything like this for your birthday.
It would be a one-of-a-kind gift.

The next morning when you woke up, the girls sang you happy birthday and brought you special birthday sprinkle cinnamon rolls, which you gratefully devoured.
The girls kept on glancing at you and giggling at breakfast, before quickly looking away.
Whenever you asked them what was so funny, they would simply shake their heads and grin, telling you it was nothing.
After breakfast they all gave you there presents, everyone except Robin.
I have a special present for you (Y/n)." Robin grinned, blindfolding you and holding your arm.
She pulled you out of the room, guiding you down the halls. "Where are we going?" you questioned, allowing yourself to be dragged there.
"You'll see." Robin laughed.
The rest of the girls followed behind you giggling. At some point you heard a man's voice join the small crowd as well. "Hello Robin. You need my assistance?"
"Robin! So good of you to show up!"
"Of course Robin! There's no way I could pass up an opportunity like this. Oh! Hi Lucina! I didn't see you there!"

That was the ridiculous dialogue that you heard while the girls led you to who knows where. Apparently Male Robin had showed up to help with whatever Female Robin had planned. Big things happened when the Robins worked together. You didn't want something big. With your luck, they probably threw a huge party and invited everyone in the mansion. How embarrassing would that be?

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