Isabelle x Reader: Mr. Villager

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Hey, so this was requested by @firebirb52
I'm sorry that I took so long to write it!
Anyways, since Isabelle is a dog, I was a little worried with what I was gonna do with this.
But then a wonderful idea appeared. I even made it into a multiple choice story (kind of) since those are pretty fun!

The village wasn't necessarily as "happy" and "friendly" as it seemed...
You couldn't tell it from the shopkeepers' fake smiles, and everyone's jolly attitude, but the idea of a happy village was a lie.
The "mayor", Villager, was no mayor. He was a dictator.
He entered people's houses without their permission. He stole from the lost and found, he amassed great wealth through shady business tactics involving the turnip stock market, he demanded special treatment from local businesses, he forced villagers to buy the useless butterflies that he had captured, he ignored legal regulations regarding logging on public property, he spread misinformation regarding sales at Nook's Cranny. If someone did something that was not to his liking, he showed no mercy in the punishments he gave them, levied via taxes and disregard for their property and rights. If someone he disliked moved into the village, he would mandate that the newcomer be callously ignored by the rest of the population until they moved out. Villager had far too much power. And that doesn't even touch on the time a few villagers went missing after insulting him on his appearance after getting stung by a bee. Their bodies still haven't been found, and, though nobody can conclusively prove that Villager was the culprit, sale records from Nook's Cranny show that he had purchased a shovel from Tom Nook shortly before the disappearances. Villager's authority went unchecked. He never spoke, but you can see the murderous intent that lies behind his eyes. To disagree with him was to pronounce your own death sentence.
The one bright spot in the whole town was Isabelle.
She was Villager's secretary, and the sweetest person/dog [insert b-word joke here] you'd ever met.
She always jumped at the chance to help people, and never yelled at anyone or treated them badly.

You frowned thinking about how she was treated. Villager didn't care about her. Not one bit.
You grunted, heaving the heavy letter bag upon your shoulder, and pushing open the door to Isabelle's office with your foot.

Since delivering mail was your job in the town, you frequently visited her while on the job. Just a short visit every day to drop off packages for her to scan for Villager. They weren't long, but you enjoyed these visits nonetheless.

You were still pretty new to the village. You liked to travel, and had only planned to stay for a couple months. You got a job at the post office so you could pay rent while you lived here, but ended up staying longer then you expected. Even though the mayor was a twisted maniac, the people that lived here were super nice to you. And then of course, there was the whole Isabelle situation.

"Hello (Y/n)!" Isabelle chimed, spinning around in her chair and hopping out to greet you with a hug.
Your face turned bright pink, as you hugged her back.
To say that you hadn't developed feelings for Isabelle would be a lie.
Every time you were around her, tiny butterflies flew around in your stomach, and your tongue felt like a block of wood. You could never find the right words to say to her, and always ended up getting flustered and nervous. (You might say that it was a bad case of "puppy love".)

"Hi." you managed to squeak.
"Uhhh- packages for you." you quickly set down a small stack of boxes on her desk.
"Oh good! The mayor has been expecting some packages." she grinned cheerfully, skipping back over to her desk and grabbing her coffee cup.
She took a long, thoughtful sip before setting it down and skipping back over.

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