Corrin x Birthday Reader: The best gift ever!

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This was requested by MoonWolfi10
I'm so so sorry for how late this is! 😅 I've had so much homework lately, and updating gets really tough. I promise I'll try to get more on top of it though.
Okay, enjoy~


Your eyes shot open immediately upon hearing your phone go off.
You smiled and sat up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and grabbing your phone off the nightstand. That was the ringtone you used for your boyfriend Corrin. You hadn't seen him in two weeks, because he had to go back to Hoshido on urgent business, and then to Nohr for more business.
You missed him so much.
"Hello?" you picked up the phone, waiting for a response.

"Good morning beautiful!!
Happy birthday!" Corrin's voice rang through your phone's speakers.
You cringed at the sudden loud noise, but couldn't help grinning.
You missed his voice...
"Thanks Cor." you hummed, switching him to speaker so you could make yourself a coffee.
"So uh..." you hesitated before pressing forward.
"Are you going to be able to get back today?"

He let out a sigh. "I'm really sorry love, but there's just no way I can get back until Friday." he said.
"It's okay! I understand." you replied, trying your best not to sound disappointed.
"No, it's not okay. I'm really sorry sweetheart. I promise I'll make it up to you when I get back. And oh! I mailed you a gift! You should be getting it today." Corrin grinned enthusiastically.
"Aww, you didn't have to." you laughed, "But I'm so excited to see what it is!"

"You'll just love it! I know you will." Corrin laughed. "It's the best gift ever, if I do say so myself."
"Is that so?" you smiled. "Well we'll see about that."

"I'm so sorry, I've got to go (Y/n). But I'll see you soon, okay? Love you!"
Corrin said.
"Bye. Love you too." you replied, hanging up and setting your phone down. You sighed, biting your lip and contemplating what to do with the rest of your day.
You didn't have any plans... heck, you didn't even know if anyone else knew it was your birthday!
But you were excited to see what Corrin had gotten you. You smiled thinking about him, finally deciding it'd be no use to sulk around on your birthday. You might as well find something to do while you waited for your surprise.
Just then a loud knock sounded at your
door, causing you to jump. You walked over to answer it, telling yourself that there was no way Corrin's present was going to be here that fast, and not to get your hopes up.
"Hello?" you swung the door open to be greeted by Isabelle, Kirby, Toon Link, Ness, Lucas, and Villager.
"Wow." you blinked. All of the smash kids were outside your door.
"What's up guys?"

"What's up? WHAT'S UP?!?" Isabelle shouted, jumping up and down, "IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! That's what's up!" she happily pulled out a party popper and proceeded to shower you with confetti.
You laughed, brushing the confetti off your shirt and bending down to meet their height.
"Aww. How did you know?" you asked.

"I know everyone's birthday." Isabelle stated matter-of-factly, her smile never leaving her face.

"Oh really?" Ness challenged, turning to face her.
"Everyone's? When's Jackie Chan's birthday?"

"April 7, 1954!" Isabelle chirped.

"When's Selena Gomez's birthday?"

"July 22, 1992!" Isabelle replied.

"Hmmm. When's...uh...Mario's birthday?" Ness inquired.

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