•Chapter Thirteen• The Declaration

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It's been two weeks since Matt proposed and sometimes I wonder if it happened or was it a dream. But then I look down at the ring on my left hand and smile like a nerd who just got the next Manga installment.

For a few days after Matt's proposal, there was peace and joy within our packs. But then, the unexpected happened. A teenage she-wolf and her little brother from the Children of the Moon pack were abducted, while she drove them to school.

Tragically, we found their bodies two days later and they showed signs of having been tortured. This event was only the beginning but also led to the decision I made concerning my pack. The day after the bodies were discovered, Matt and I called a meeting of both packs. It was a painful event that united us all as one that day. I knew that this was the best option for us all.

The meeting took place on Children of the Moon territory, seeing as it could accommodate a larger gathering than Matt's pack grounds. With every pack member in attendance, even the Law Enforcers. Uncle Dave, Matt and I, walked out to the podium to start the meeting.

Uncle Dave wanted to make everything official right away, so he spoke first. "My fellow brothers and sister, we have suffered a horrible tragedy, one that has torn our hearts to pieces. Two of our pups have been killed by our enemy."

Uncle Dave's voice broke and he had to take a moment to compose himself before he could continue. He looked just as devastated as Matt and I felt. The loss of these two pups had affected us all the same way. We were all a big family and the loss of one tore at our hearts.

"We will mourn their loss for the rest of our days." With that, Uncle Dave threw back his head and released a long, mournful howl which was joined by the howl of every wolf present.

There wasn't a dry face among those present, even Draco had tears staining his cheeks, which he did nothing to wipe away. Soft sobs rent the air and I knew they came from the pups' mother, Cindy. My heart went out to her, I could not begin to understand what she was going through. She had lost both her children at the same time.

"Though it is with a heavy heart that I make this next announcement given the circumstances, I also feel that it is good news for us all and I welcome it, as should each one of you! From this day forth, I will no longer be the acting Alpha of this pack."

Uncle Dave wiped the tears from his cheeks and sniffled before he smiled at the gathering before him. "Please give your alliance and loyalty, as you have done for me all these years, to your new Luna and Alpha, Silvia and Mathew!"

Cheers erupted among both packs at this news. Uncle Dave hugged us both before walking off the podium to stand beside his mate with a proud smile as he looked up at Matt and me. Matt took my hand and pulled me forward to face our pack.

"Thank you, Uncle Dave," I gave him a grateful smile before turning my attention back to all those gathered. Though their eyes showed sadness for the loss of two of our own, their faces showed joy at this turn of events.

"I promise each of you on this day, that the deaths of our pups will be avenged!" I stated and more cheers went up at my declaration. Matt held up his hands and the crowd grew silent.

"As you have surmised, we have decided to merge our two packs to become one. From this day forth, we shall be known as the Moon Warriors!" The crowd cheered and hugged one another, some even whistled. The crowd became so rowdy that Matt whistled while holding up his hands to gain their attention. This time it was Matt who spoke once there was silence.

"After this meeting, my Beta will be returning to my territory with some pack members to pack our belongings since we will all be moving here. The move should take a couple of days. But my mate and I will remain here." Matt released my hand to wrap his arm around my waist, then dropped a tender kiss onto my brow. We both turned to look back at the gathering.

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