•Chapter Sixteen• A Memorial Fit For Royalty

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Ever since yesterday, Silvia has been deeply sad. The death of Sandy and Rick has torn her up pretty badly. The elderly couple had been as close to grandparents as she could get, seeing as Silvia never met her grandparents. Silvia had mentioned that growing up, they had spoiled her and took on that role for her and Ashley.

The couple had never been blessed with pups of their own and had no next of kin. But I'd never had the opportunity to get to know them personally. So I couldn't have imagined the impact their deaths would have on Silvia's pack members. Everywhere I looked, there were sad, teary-eyed faces. I was told the old couple had been around since Silvia's great-grandfather had been the Alpha.

Given the fact that werewolves live such long lives, that shouldn't be surprising. What I did find surprising, was just how much the entire pack had loved and respected them, they were all quite devastated by their loss. Including the mother of the dead pups, who had lost her mate years before and the loss of this couple seemed to drain her of what little life she had left.

The grief-stricken she-wolf had fainted from the shock upon hearing of their death and is currently in our pack hospital, her condition classified as critical. Doctors think the pain of her losses is killing her wolf and all we can do is wait to see what happens. I find myself praying for her recovery, we have had too much loss to endure another one so soon.

More than half of our pack is listless and deeply saddened. The losses we have suffered are evident in their faces as well as the posture they carry. It's heartbreaking to see your pack so despondent. As Alpha and Luna, Silvia, and I have a special connection with our pack. We can feel their pain as if it were our own. The one thing that could have helped cheer up the pack, the upcoming wedding, had to be postponed until after the war, which we are currently preparing for.

Through Demetrius, I have been kept appraised of the Federation's efforts and just learned that Jane's parents, as well as all of her pack, will be arriving in two days for the memorial service we will be holding for her and our fallen pack members. They also have made it clear they wish to join us in the coming war. Combined with their numbers, our army will grow to over seven hundred able warriors.

But according to Demetrius, that number will continue to grow over the coming days. The Federation has been busy calling in allies and gathering more soldiers for the war. It seems the Federation has taken Jane's death quite personally and wants these rogues put out of business for good, which I am glad for. For my part, I'm happy to have all the help we can get, to protect my mate and pack.

I hear a knock on my office door before it opens for Chris to poke his head in. "Demetrius asked if he could have a moment of your time to talk about two of our pack members," Chris informs me.

Laying my pen aside, I nod. "Show him in." Chris pushes open the door to admit Demetrius, Clarissa, the king, and lastly, himself into the office.

I hadn't expected the King to be present but I wisely keep this to myself. "What can I do for you all Elder Demetrius?" I ask politely as I interlace my fingers together and place my folded hands upon my desk.

"Just Demetrius would be fine. I hate being called Elder unless I'm in the office." Demetrius states with a sheepish look.

"Very well Demetrius, what can I do for you?" Though I'm speaking to Demetrius, I look at each of them individually as Chris takes a seat and looks attentively at the Elder in question.

"I'd like to talk to you about the twins, uh-" Demetrius seems at a loss, and Clarissa cuts in helpfully. "Kile and Kale." Demetrius smiles at his mate, then reaches out to put his hand on her knee before turning back to me. "Kile and Kale."

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