Meeting Koharu Honda

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Inside floor 1 dungeon

Vein: The dungeon how I have not miss you at all.I still remember the first time being here it was just around 3 days after I started playing SAO.

Flashback to 3 weeks ago

Vein: So this is the dungeon huh it doesn't look that difficult I'll just look around for a bit.Huh a frenzy boar yeah this dungeon isn't going to be difficult.

(The monster saw Vein and started charging at him)

Vein: What the heck why all of them charge at me already I didn't even hit them yet oh well I'll just kill them all.

(One of the boar hit Vein)

Vein: Wait how did it do more damage to me.Crap I get it now monsters in the dungeon not only start the fight when they see someone but are also stronger.Okay I take it back the dungeon is difficult I need to get out of here and fast!

Back in the present

Vein: Yeah it was not a fun experience at all ever since then I always take extra precaution before heading into a dungeon or a labyrinth.

(Suddenly Vein heard someone taking)

Vein: Someone else is here beside me I wonder who it is?

???: Today's already the final day of the beta test... but still ,here I am...

Vein: It's a girl.

???: Oh! Uhm,heya! Can I talk to you for a minute?

Vein: Wait how did she saw me well never mind that now.

???: Nice to meet you I'm Koharu Honda.

Vein: Hello Koharu nice to meet you too my name is Vein Kiriyama.

Koharu: Hey Vein I know we just met but can I tell you something.

Vein: Sure go ahead.(Thinking)seriously we just met I just hope she doesn't tell me something important.

Koharu: I know this is a bit embarrassing to admit,but well...I'm absolutely terrible at this game and I'm talking really bad...

Koharu: This is my first VRMMO and my very first video game.I made sure to look up some stuff online before starting but it's all just so different from what I was expecting,you see?I can't land a single attack,so I've just been leveling up speed to run away.Everyone else around me is getting stronger,but i just can't keep up with them.I did get a little better though!So I was looking forward to playing a bit more but today's the last day and...well,so,that's why i came all the way out here,but... now I'm just lost...

Vein: (Thinking)Seriously the dungeon is the last place you want to be though this is her first VRMMO so is understanding. Uhh you alright?

Koharu: Guess I was rambling, huh?Sorry about that. I've just been so hopeless until now...I know today's the last day and all,but i don't want to end it like this.Think you could teach me how to battle?

Vein: (Thinking)Guess I'll start by teaching her the basic first.Well there still 1 to 2 hour left before the beta close so sure I'll teach you.

Koharu: Really oh thank you so much!Let's get started then!

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