A quest from Kibaou

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Kibaou: Forget the casuals. The name Kibaou. Got something to talk with you lot about.

Koharu: With us... ?

Kibaou: You seem in better shape than these babies just wasting time in town. I'll give it to ya straight. I want you to team up with me for a little something. I'm gathering up folk with grit to take on the boss and move off this floor.

Vein: Wait you're planning to fight the floor boss already? It's hasn't even been a full day!

Kibaou: First off I'm not planning, kid. We're gonna do it. Second, not right now. What I need is to level up all our stats. Right now I have everyone out picking up quests around town.

Ulrik: After you turned us down flat, telling us the rewards weren't good enough... ?

Kibaou: You dense or something? I'm taking about high rate of return here. Only the best quests. I'm not out here just mulling around like you idiots, without a plan or anything.

Ulrik: We... I...

Koharu: Kibaou, I think that's enough. Everyone's doing what they can here.

Kibaou: And to do what, exactly?

Koharu: Well...

Vein: To at least stay alive.

Kibaou: Righto. We gotta stay alive, shoot for the top and get out of this garbage game. We've got just one thing we gotta focus on, shooting for the top no matter what. That, and gathering the funds we need. I mean, once we start harder quests, some of them need all kinds of drops. It'd be a pain to do them alone, but if we assign the right people to each drop, we can cut back on the time and trouble. Everyone gets their fair share of rewards. Can't argue with that right? So whaddya say?

Vein: You got a point there. Find count us in.

Koharu: Wait really.

Vein: Well look at it this way, we can get more EXP and you can get even better in combat.

Koharu: I guess that's true. Okay then!

Kibaou: Great, now then the Little Nepenthes in Rivalry Plains should drop Mark of Courage. Go and get three for me. Now when you've got'em... Well, I need to be out there too, so... Just pass it on to these newbs there.

Ulrik: Why us?

Kibaou: You ain't leaving this place any time soon, are you? If you're gonna just sit around, at least be useful. I don't expect weaklings like you to run off with our goods either.

Ulrik: Well I never! ... You're not wrong, though. Rivalry Plains is a bit far from here, be careful out there.

Koharu: I wonder how strong the monster is in Rivalry Plains. Also what does the Little Nepenthes look like anyway?

Vein: Hmm... it consisted mostly of countless roots that were used to move around. It had two arm-like vines with pointed leaves attached to either side of its body, just above the roots.

Koharu: Yeah I can't imagine it even with your description.

Vein: Well you'll see it once we're at Rivalry Plains.

At Rivalry Plains

Vein: Right there. Those are Little Nepenthes.

Koharu: Oh those thing! I remember seeing it briefly back in the beta. But I never fought one though.

Vein: Don't worry, just dodge their arm-like vines and you'll be fine. It's basically their only way of attack.

Koharu: Okay thanks for the info.

Vein: So want to test attacking it solo?

Koharu: Promise me you'll save me when things get rough.

Vein: I promise!

Koharu: Here goes!

(Koharu attacks the Little Nepenthes)

Koharu: Looks like their weak to thrusting. Perfect!

Vein: Koharu watch out for their arms!

(The Little Nepenthes then grab Koharu's leg and lift her up)

Koharu: Ahhhh!

Vein: Koharu you ok-

(Vein immediately turns his head away from Koharu)

Koharu: What are you waiting for Vein, kill it already!

Vein: Umm... your panty is showing...

(Koharu blushes and quickly covers it up)

Koharu: There now hurry.

Vein: Got it!

(Vein quickly cut off the monster's arm. Then slashes it in half)

Koharu: Thanks Vein.

Vein: You should be more careful next time.

Koharu: Yeah I'll keep that in mind. So you didn't saw it... did you?

Vein: Huh saw wha- Ohhh... umm... only a split... second.

Koharu: That was so embarrassing!

Vein: Come on let's forget about that and kill some Little Nepenthes.

Koharu: And this time I'll be more careful!

(Vein and Koharu proceed to kill the Little Nepenthes until they got three Mark of Courage)

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