To Central Tolbana

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???: I'm quite impressed by you two. Rather than keep valuable intel to yourself, you share it freely and fairly with other players. In this world knowledge can save lives. I hope you will continue acting in this manner.

Koharu: Is he one of your friends, Sachi?

Sachi: Huh? No. Never seen him before.

???: Oh, my apologies. I am Diavel. Salutations!

Koharu: Right...

Diavel: I'm out now gathering people to take on the floor boss in battle with me. If you are willing to help us conquer this floor, head out to Tolbana tomorrow. I will be waiting you there. Bring yourselves, bring your friends, share this message with anyone who will fight for our cause. I hope to see you there! With that, I'm off! 

Sachi: The floor boss is the strongest monster around, right? That's way out of our league. We're not ready for anything like that yet...

Koharu: Well me and Vein aren't that strong either, especially me... But it sounds like he just wants to gather people. I remember Kibaou said pretty much the same thing. There's power in number.

Vein: Let's do it then. We'll head to Tolbana tomorrow.

Sachi: You're gonna challenge the floor boss?

Koharu: We still don't know anything about Diavel. We should ask around a bit before we make any decisions. Right Vein?

Vein: Yeah I guess so.

Sachi: Guess you guys have really given it some thought. If you do go and face the boss... promise me you'll make it out alive. And come see me again!

Koharu: Sachi...

Vein: We will. That's a promise!

Sachi: Okay! Don't go breaking it now! 

Koharu: Bye, Sachi.

Sachi: Bye.

The next day at Central Tolbana

Koharu: So this is the place where all the people who are gonna take on the boss are gathered, huh? I wonder where Diavel at? Hey, isn't that...

Kibaou: Now there're some faces I know! Long time no see! Anyway, I knew you two had it in ya though, so I'm not much surprised.

Koharu: Hi Kibaou. Did Diavel invite you here too.

Kibaou: Of course he did. You lot are joining the meeting, right?

Koharu: What meeting?

Kibaou: You're kidding me, right? I dunno if you lot are brave or just dumb. Aight, head over to Tolbana Amphitheater. Diavel should still be out there now.

Vein: Okay then.

Kibaou: You better make it snappy, too. Diavel doesn't have all the time in the world. Guess I'll see ya at the meeting.

Koharu: So where is Tolbana Amphitheater exactly. I never been there before.

Vein: It's just across the market. Let me take you there.

At Tolbana Amphitheater

Koharu: So this is the Tolbana Amphitheater. It's a lot bigger and beautiful then I expected.

Vein: Really. I mean it's big but I don't really see anything beautiful about it.

Koharu: This is the first time I've ever been to a Amphitheater. 

Vein: Really I didn't know that. Well if it's your first time it's understandable why you'll think it's beautiful. So um... sorry.

Koharu: It's ok Vein.

Diavel: So you've decided to heed the call! I'm relieved to have more help with our attack on the floor boss.

Koharu: Hang on a second, we haven't actually decided if we are going to fight or not yet. We wanted to talk with you about it, first...

Diavel: Is that so? I'll say, I'm actually relieved.

Vein: And why's that?

Diavel: Well, you wanted to fully hear me out first before you made your decision, right? That shows you're serious about this. This is a boss after all. It's nothing like the small fry we've all faced. That's why we should work together in order to defeat it. We need to show everyone in Town of Beginnings that this game CAN be beat. We need to give them hope. If we do that, then others will follow in our footsteps. This battle isn't just about us. That's what I'm fighting for. So how about it?

Vein: Your right, can't argue with that.

Diavel: I'm pleased to hear that. We can do this together! I'm gathering up all the players we have to discuss our battle strategy later this afternoon. I do hope you'll join us. Anyway... we still don't have the manpower we need. We still have a number of people working to level up and save as much Col as they can.

Koharu: What will happen if they don't show up?

Diavel: Oh, they will. They've been out in the front lines since the start. This is just the next step.

Koharu: You sure have a lot of faith in them, don't you?

Diavel: We're all in this after all. While we wait for them to return, I want your help to prepare for the journey. You can decide whether you want to join us once preparations are finished.

Vein: Don't worry Diavel we'll help out.

Diavel: Then it's settled. First, can you go and activate the Teleport Monument out in the Central Tolbana?

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