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Inside the Spider Queen Cave

Vein: GODDAMMIT!!! Where is that god damn byway!!!

Koharu: Just hang in there a little longer Vein!

Vein: Why are all the freaking spiders chasing me anyway!!! I mean I know monsters in cave attack you when they see you, but why every single one of these damn spiders only follow me!!!

Koharu: Is because you keep running into the area first. Like there's around twenty of them!

Vein: T-T-Twenty!!

Koharu(In Mind): Oops... I shouldn't have said that... But on the bright side their all gather in one line.

Koharu: Vein! Run towards me!

Vein: Okay!

When Vein turns around he saw the spiders are in a line.

Vein(In Mind): I see...

Koharu prepare a sword skill, the second Vein runs pass her she unleashes her attack.

Koharu: Mirage Thrust!

The attack hits all the spiders, killing all of them.

Vein: *Huff* *Puff* Nice thinking... Koharu.

Koharu: It was thanks to you for gathering them together.

Vein: I guess that's the last of them, hopefully...

Koharu: Vein, look over there. I think that's the byway!

Vein: Finally.

Vein and Koharu enter the byway. After a few seconds of walking, they see a Dark Elf.

???: Who goes there? This byway should be under the protection of Kizmel.

Vein offer up the Jade Key.

???: Th-That's...! But how...?

Koharu: We've come in place of Kizmel to see you.

They explain the situation to the Dark Elf.

???: Very well... I shall accept your words as sincere. Kizmel has my trust. You have traveled a long way. I am here on a secret mission from our Empress, and I command our vanguard forces out here.

Koharu: I hope Kizmel is okay out there...

Commander: Worry not. Kizmel is one of the greatest fighters amongst us. If she had not been burdened, the Forest Elves never would have stopped her.

Koharu(Whisper): By "burdened" does he mean this key, or is he talking about us...?

Vein(Whisper): I don't know.

Commander: I wish I were able to bestow some form of reward, however... This Key must be returned to camp as soon as possible. The path I take is not meant for the likes of man. I must ask that you proceed to our camp on foot as you are. South of W. Mists Pathway a scout will be on watch. I will send word of your deeds, and ask the scout to grant you your reward. My apologies for asking this much of you.

Koharu: You don't need to apologize, it's fine. 

Commander: I see. Well than I must go now, till we meet again.

The commander walks away.

Vein: Finally we can get out of here.

Koharu: Guess we have to head to South of W. Mists Pathway.

Vein: Anywhere is better than in here.

Koharu: Let's go than!

At the South of W. Mists Pathway

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