Floor 1: SAO official release

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One month after SAO closed beta

Vein: Tomorrow is finally SAO official release, so glad tomorrow is a Sunday which means I can play SAO all day long.

(Flashback) Koharu: I hope that you'll join me again, Vein! I wanna show you how much stronger I'll get.

Vein: Man ever since I met Koharu I just can't stop thinking about her or what she said. Do I really enjoy her company with me?  Nah maybe I'm just overthinking it, but I did made a promise to meet her when the game is release. Well I'll just see her tomorrow then.

The next day

Vein: Ok everything is ready now just plug it in and done SAO here I come.Link Start!

Welcome to Sword Art Online!

Vein: It feels good to be back! Looks like not much has change to town of beginnings.

(Vein then realize a button he has never seen in the beta)

Vein: Quick change? This button wasn't in the beta I wonder what it does? You know what I'll figure it out later! First I have to find Koharu, I wonder if she is logged in yet? Haven't seen any sign of her.

(A man then accidentally bump into Vein) 

???: Whoops! Sorry there! Ya alright?

Vein: Sorry,that was my fault. I didn't pay enough attention to my surrounding.

???: Nah, don't sweat it. Didn't hurt anyway! But hey now, what's got your head all in the clouds anyway?

Vein: Oh I'm actually looking for someone.

???: Got split from your friend, is it? In that case, lemme help ya out! The name's Klein! Nice to meetcha!

Vein: I'm Vein nice to meet you too.

Klein: So let's see, you got your pal registered to your friend list?

Vein: Sadly no.

Klein: No, huh? In that case you should head over to the Teleport Gate plaza. Most players tend to gather around in places like that. You never know! Your friend might be waiting for ya there, too!

Vein: Thank you. 

Klein: I'm actually waiting on a buddy myself, you know. Bet you can't wait to meet up with'em and share in this excitement, right? Me too, my friend... Everyone else is all busy IRL though, so here I am before everyone, all alone. It'll be a while before they gather up at the Teleport Gate, so I figure I'll grind a level or two and show them what a real leader is like. Anyway! Hope ya find your friend, pal! See ya around!

Vein: Thanks again and see you around too!

(Vein then head towards the Teleport Gate)

???: Uhm, excuse me? You wouldn't happen to...

Vein: Koharu?

Koharu: I knew it! Vein, it is you! You have the same avatar you used in the beta! I spotted you right away. I wanted you to be able to spot me, so I used the same avatar again too. Oh I'm so happy! I never thought I'd find you this quickly! Well! Good to meet you again!

Vein:(Blushes)Uhm nice to meet you again to.(Thinking) Dang it why did my heart started beating so fast all of a sudden.

Koharu: Okay so... this might be a little sudden, but... Do you think you could teach me how to battle again? It's been a little while so I'm not feeling too confident.

Vein: Huh... uhm ahem... of course! I could use a little warm up too.

Koharu: Thanks! The monsters right outside of town shouldn't be too tough, right? I wanna do a bit of a refresher out in Origin Plains.

Vein: Lets go then.

(Vein and Koharu head towards Origin Plains)  

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