After the battle 1

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Agil: Congrats! This win was all on you.

Kirito: Nah...

Diavel: That was quite the battle. I guess I had no place in it...

Kirito: Diavel, you...

Kibaou: Hey you!

Kirito: Huh... Me?

Kibaou: Yeah you! Tell me! Explain to me why exactly you lied to us all, and to Diavel! If you had just told us 'bout all that from the start, Diavel would never have been in danger... None of us would have!

Koharu: Kirito was out there fighting to save Diavel with Vein, too. How can you take that tone of voice?

Kibaou: I'm not talking results here, I'm talking methods! This guy put Diavel in danger and then steps in to take all the glory!

Diavel: Wait Kibaou, It's not like that...

Fighter 1: You don't think... Did he use Diavel as bait to avoid the boss's attack?

Fighter 2: He's one of them testers! He knew exactly how the boss would attack and made sure only he know how to get the last hit! 

Fighter 3: Whoever wrote the Guide Book must have been in cahoots with him all along!

Asuna: You guys...

Diavel: Everyone please stop! The truth is...

Kirito: All you do is cry beta this and beta that, but you know what? I don't want to be lumped with those amateurs.

Kibaou: Wh-What now...?

Kirito: Most of the 1,000 players who got picked for the SAO beta were rookies who couldn't even level up. Even you lot are better than they were. I'm nothing like those guys. During the beta I got further than anyone else. I knew about that katana attack because I've fought katana wielding mobs higher up. I never thought I'd see one here, but thanks to our dumb knight over there, I was lucky enough to get out without a scratch.

Koharu: Kirito...

Kirito: I know stuff our knight here never dreamed of. Stuff that would even surprise the info brokers.

Kibaou: Whatcha trying to say? If that's true, you're even worse than a beta testers!

Fighter 1: Your a goddamn cheater, that's what you are!

Fighter 2: His a beta cheater! This dude's a "beater" he is!

Kirito: "Beater" huh? That's good. I like it. I'll go activate the Floor 2 gate. Follow me and expect to get killed by the first monster you see.

Koharu: Why did Kirito say all that? Now people are going to think he's a real bad guy here.

Vein: People needed a scapegoat.

Agil: If he didn't stand out as a "beater" then the rest of the beta testers would keep getting singled out by everyone. Suffering that kind of hatred from other players could...

Asuna: Get you killed. So he decided to take on that burden on himself. When I passed out in a dungeon, he came in and rescued me.

Vein: What did you do to get yourself to passed out?

Asuna: I was in there for three days straight with zero... sleep. I know, it was stupid of me. But it was something I needed.

Vein: In order to beat the game?

Asuna: In order for me to be me. If my only other choice was to lock myself in an inn and rot away, I felt like I'd rather go out as the me I knew. Losing out to monsters is one thing, but I couldn't bear losing out to the world itself. The thought of it was too much. And well before I knew it, I was fighting away, hoping to go out with a bang... But he was different. He was ready to spend years to beat this game.

Agil: And now we have both of you to thank for getting us through Floor 1.

Asuna: I'm gonna head on after him. I never got a chance to thank him before.

Agil: You tell him this then, "I look forward to battling our next floor boss together."

Vein: And I'll also be there too.

Asuna: Okay. I'll definitely let him know... I guess I'll see you around, then.

Agil: Now then... Looks like we don't have a grand finale waiting for us.

Kibaou: Your telling me you just want to up and quit? But why, Diavel?

Diavel: I'm sorry... Right now I'm just not cut out to be your leader.

Kibaou: Why? Things only fell apart 'cause of that stinking beater! That ain't your fault!

Diavel: Kibaou, I'm sure you know that without him, we would have suffered. If I had just kept my head, I should have been able to tell the boss changed to a different weapon. And yet I was so focused on landing the last hit I drop everything and rushed in. After telling everyone not to.

Kibaou: But Diavel, you weren't out to get it for yourself, yeah? You just wanted it for everyone's sake, yeah? Your not like that beater, your better than that.

Diavel: It's of little matter. I still rushed in to satisfy my own urges, and I put everyone in danger because of it.

Kibaou: Diavel, man... what are we supposed to do without you? If you ain't around to lead, who can keep us all together?

Diavel: You Kibaou. You and my comrade Lind. No matter what you think of Kirito, he's a powerful ally to have, and one you should keep with you.

Vein: What are you going to do, Diavel?

Diavel: Vein, I have an unpayable debt to both you and Kirito. But I'll return once I feel like I can at last pay you back, I promise.

Kibaou: I'll be waiting for ya to come back. But I'll play the leader until then. Sound like a plan?

Diavel: Indeed. I'll leave everyone in your hands.

Koharu: You think Diavel will be alright?

Agil: He said he'd come back. All we can do now is let him be and wait. I'll head back to my party now, don't let this all get to you... After all Kirito and Diavel made their choices.

Koharu: Hey umm... Vein, after hearing how Kirito save Asuna reminded me. Remember back when we first met, and someone saved me from those monsters? What was his name again...?

Vein: Kirito.

Koharu: It definitely was the same Kirito, huh. I hope I can repay the favor someday. So this is it, the end of Floor 1... From here on the monsters are going to get stronger. But with you at my side I'm not afraid.

Vein: I feel the same as well. Now then Floor 2 here we come!

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