17. Maeve

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"When would it be the perfect time to talk?" I raise my voice at my girlfriend. I've been here at her place for like, more than half an hour to talk about us but she just won't cooperate. "Why are you like this?!"

"This how?" she pinches her eyebrows. "You're just over reacting. Just like always."

"You kissed Lexy. Right in front of me! What was that about?!" I let out a long sigh. I lower my voice as soon as I realize raising it won't do well either.

"I was drunk. What did you expect?" Astrid walks pass me nonchalantly and I look at Brianna who is sitting quietly on the couch. She gives me that look that I can understand. I should say more.

"You even said Lexy was sexy and hot. Tell me Astrid," Astrid stops her feet. "Was she you gonna fuck that night?"

I turn my head to face her. Hot tears appear again in my eyes. "Because clearly you were seducing her that night. Don't even say I was over reacting. Everyone saw it too."


"Don't." I shove her hands away before she could lay them on my arms. "Tell me."

"I was drunk. How can I explain it to you if I was fucking drunk?" The look on Astrid's face has changed.

"You don't need to be drunk to cheat on me, Astrid. This isn't the first or second time you did but I had enough. Tell me. Was Lexy your target that night?" I wipe my tears away with my fingers. "Because you said she was single and fucking perfect."

Astrid goes speechless.

"Tell me at least, do you even love me?"

"Of course I love you!"

"Then why the hell do you keep cheating on me? Tell me the truth!" I take a step back when I see Astrid is walking up to me.


"What even am I to you?" I let tears to fall down my cheeks eventually. "Am I not enough that you keep cheating?"

"Maeve... I'm-"

"Please don't say you're sorry. I'm so fucking tired to hear it." I grab my bags on the table and I wave my hands at Brianna.

"I can't do this anymore, Astrid." I feel a hand laid on my arm. "We're done."


 "Maeve Renshaw and Brianna Mars." Brianna gives our names to the standing guard. Brianna is taking me to a party I don't even want to attend. She said this would be good to get things off my mind for a little while. Knowing that me and Astrid are no longer together, she said it is best for me to go out and have fun rather than mourning myself at home.

"Yep. Enjoy the party." The guard says to us when he lets us in.

Brianna and I walk together to the lounge. I must say that this lounge is quiet a lounge. It is huge, furnished glamorously. The ceilings are equipped with designed blue lights and the smell is just so good when I enter.

"This is classy," I make my first compliment. I am blown away. "So this is why the lounge is on top of the building. The view is beautiful!" The view through the open window is just mesmerizing. "Whose party is this?"

Though there is a lot of people in there, and mostly are females, I still can see how luxury the lounge is. "This is my third time being here." Brianna whispers to my ear. "This is our HR Director's party. A private one."

"What?" I ask in disbelief. "How even did you get us in? Or me at least? I'm kinda so new here."

Brianna laughs. "Sarah used to be my mentor so, yeah. And as for you, knowing that you're my cousin and you just enrolled here by the age of twenty-two, she asked me to bring you too." She smirks. "And you don't always get invited to these kind of sick parties so consider yourself lucky."

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