25. Sarah

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"How's your training?" I hear Alex asks her best friend in the kitchen of our cabin.

I was having a hologram call with Mr. President, reporting about our future successor's condition and the whole story of what had happened to him.

When I step into the kitchen, Carmen is also sitting there.

"Everything okay?" she asks me with her straight face.

I nod. "Do you know your colleague is banned from entering Firelock?"

Carmen tilts her head, "Garrett? Yeah." She shrugs. "I was on call with Mr. President before you so.... I'm glad though. He's just fucking stupid."

I give Carmen the eye look to her language usage. "Kids here," I whisper.

"Um, you know we can still hear you, Sarah." Alex smirks. "I still don't know why both of you act like mommies around here."

"Discipline, Alex," I wink at her. "Discipline." Internally I giggle. I don't know why I act like a mommy when they're around but when I'm alone with Alex, I curse.

Cara laughs. She gets off her stool and lifts Alex's shirt. "Let me see how it looks." I watch as she removes the bandages stained with more blood. "Um, this isn't good." she says when the hole is in sight, dripping with blood. "Sarah, can you get me clean towels, please?"

I nod and move myself to get towels as requested. Then I hand them to Cara right away.

"You're still bleeding, Lex." Cara mutters. "That is absolutely bad. Put pressure in here while I get my stuffs."

She runs off to other side of the room with Carmen where they left the stuffs.

I look at Alex, feeling guilt. We have some of it last night before bed. Her face turns pale when she looks at her side. She bites her lip and looks at me.

"Why didn't you tell me it still hurts that bad?" I ask, holding her arm. "You could have told me..."

Alex shakes her head. Her face turns red. "It did. It always hurt like this but I didn't know it would still bleed this much."

After a minute, they both returns. Cara rushes to Alex, removing the towel from her hands. The bleeding has stop and she wipes the remaining off with alcohol that make Alex screams.

Alex squeezes my hand and her jaws clench together, fighting over the pain she must have felt.

"This is still new," Cara takes out a small bottle from that medical bag. "This hasn't come out for our use yet but you're lucky our big guy lets you to have it."

"What is that?" Alex asks, her voice shakes.

"This will make your wound to stop bleeding," Carmen says. "I hope."

"You hope?" Alex scoffs. "Why would he-"

I watch Alex's face turns redder and grimaced as soon as Cara applied the cream on her wound. "Dude!" She whines in clenched teeth.

I can see sweat starts to appear on her red face, lots of them when she's just trying to fight that pain, squeezing my hand so hard that I even want to yell.

"I know, baby," Cara bites her lip in guilt. "It fucking hurts, I know."

Alex pants heavily with her eyes close. She releases my hand and I walk straight to get her water to drink.

Her eyes are flooded with tears that I start to worry. "Cara, how long does it take?"

"I don't know..." she mutters. "But sure it shouldn't be this long."

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