Chapter 8 - The Wishing Well Song/One Song

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It was Friday morning, and surprisingly, even though she hadn't gotten home from her movie with Chat til about three in the morning (she had fallen asleep on his shoulder and only woke up when he had started to nod off too), Marinette was wide awake and ready to go by seven AM... Tikki on the other hand... poor thing has been sleeping since they got home.


Marinette had gone downstairs to get some breakfast when her parents came into the attached living room, surprised to find their 'sleep-til-the-last-second' daughter already awake, eating and ready for the day. 

"You're up already?" Sabine asked

"I just woke up and didn't feel like going back to sleep" she said around eating her bagel

"Well... I guess now we don't have to leave a note" Tom began "your mom and I have just been invited to a Bakers Conference out of town... we'll be gone for the next three days... don't worry, we'll post a note on the door explaining that we'll be closed all weekend, so you don't have to worry about any deliveries or anything..."

"We do ask, however, that if you make a mess, you clean it, if you have friends over, you stay responsible, and that if you find the time, that you clean your room" Sabine finished with a smirk. 

Marinette looked sheepishly up at her mother "Yes Mom" 

Then Sabine and Tom bid their farewells and were off.


A few hours later she was sitting in class, talking to Alya before the first bell would ring 

"So, not only did you actually wake up on time... but you get the whole house to yourself for the entire weekend? Girl, I'm so jealous" Alya lightly punched her friends shoulder playfully

"Alya" Mari giggled "it's really not that big a deal... my parents get these out-of-the-blue invites all the time... it's not like I'm going to throw a party or anything..."

"Dude, Who's throwing a party?" 

Mari and Alya turn to see Nino and Adrien just taking their seats

"Mari is" Alya smirked as she crossed her arms

"No, I am not, Alya... stop spreading rumors... I swear, if I get home and find people waiting at my door for a party... I'm sending them to your house" 

Alya laughed

"So... no party then" Nino added

"No party... my parents ARE out of town, and I AM allowed to have friends over, but I am NOT throwing a party... I'm too responsible for that" Mari stuck her nose in the air on a mocking/haughty manner. Alya covered her mouth to try and hold in her giggles

"Bummer man" Nino deflated

"You're parents are out of town?" Everyone turned to look at the boy

"A-Adrien... um.. y-y-yeah, uh... see, they were invited to a-uh, baking conference, so... yeah"

"So... you're home by yourself?" 

She nodded 

"I see"

"I-its not bad, I mean... it happens all the time, and they trust me to make wise choices, I mean, I'm sixteen, I guess it's kinda like p-practice for when I live on my own, you know?" 

Just then the bell rang and the teacher walked in, alerting everyone that class was about to begin.


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