Chapter 12 - FairyGodmother part 2

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Chat slid to a sudden stop as he caught the unconscious girl in his arms before she could hit the ground 

"Mari? M-Mari, wake up... Please... please wake up..." 

He looked up to glare at the Akuma, but she was gone... he looked left, he looked right... nothing... Chat let out a slight growl, then he turned back to the sleeping Marinette 


he brushes a strand of hair out of her face 'what... what have I done? How?... How could I let this happen to you? You were just trying to help me... you should have stayed hidden... you always stay hidden... so why? Why now? I was fine... why would- how could you be so reckless?... Please wake up' his head whipped back up at the sound of a scream 'right... I have to keep an eye on the Akuma til Ladybug gets back, speaking of which... she should have been back by now... where is she?' He glanced around again, no sign of her or the Akuma 'I have to find her, but... I can't just leave Mari here...' he sighed, then he stood up, and carried the girl Princess-style back into the school. 

Just then Nino and Kim came through the door way...

"Woah, Dude, what happened to Marinette?"

"Listen" Chat began seriously "Marinette was hit, but I still need to go after FairyGodmother, I need you two to please take her somewhere safe while I go search for the Akuma until Ladybug comes back" with slight hesitation, he handed the sleeping girl to Kim

"Wait, you mean LB hasn't come back yet bro?" Nino asked

"I haven't seen her" Chat replied

"Hey" Kim began "what if... she couldn't have been hit, right?" 

The three pairs of eyes widened at the question

"Let's hope not..." Chat whispered as he looked at Marinette's sleeping face 'for HER sake, I sure hope not' he shook his head to clear his thoughts "okay, I'm leaving, please... take good care of her" 

the other two boys looked at each other, then down to the girl in Kim's arms

"Dude, it's Mari... there's no way we wouldn't" Nino offered a small smile as Chat let out a breath

"Thanks." Chat responded "make sure she's safe, out of the way, somewhere she can rest peacefully until this whole ordeal is over"

"Gee, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you have a crush on our little Mari" Kim smirked

"Wh-WHAT? No, its... i-its not like that..."

"Hey, chillax dude" Nino placed a hand on the panicky-hero's shoulder "pretty much, just about every guy in the school has fallen for Mari, even if just a little... it's real easy to do... besides, everyone knows they don't stand a chance-"

"Not when she has a crush on Golden Boy himself" Kim interrupted

"Yeah, and the sad thing is, I don't think my boy Adrien has even actually noticed how she looks at him... dude, this girl is head over heals in love with him-"

"Sometimes literally" Kim chuckled. 

Chat looked discouraged 'Has it really been that obvious?'

"Hey Dude, don't worry, it'll be cool... all we can really do for her is be there for her as friends... some day Adrien will come around, and if he doesn't, then she'll find someone new, either way dude, she'll be okay"

'Find someone new? What? No, she couldn't... she wouldn't... she... SHE CAN'T!' "Right..." Chat took a deep breath in "I need to get going... protect her"

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