Chapter 32 - I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead

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The loud sound of the cane could be heard as it hit hard on the floor, quickly followed by the sounds of fluttering from the thousands of startled white butterflies. 

Thinking fast, Ladybug and Chat Noir took advantage of the momentary sound and quickly scurried over to the next hidden corner


Hawkmoth roared as he gripped at his mask covered head. 

Then suddenly, he froze. 

He stood up straight, and quickly looked to the ceiling above him


his eyes were wide


Ladybug felt Chat Noir tense up beside her. She quickly turned to see... so... so many questions swimming in his eyes

'Why did Hawkmoth call my name? Do I actually know Hawkmoth? Does he know me? Is it someone I care about? Why did he look sorta scared when he called my name? DOES HE KNOW WHO I AM?! Does my FATHER Know about THIS?! What-?!'

Ladybug quickly pulled him into a strong quiet hug, barely whispering to comfort his inner anxiety "It'll be okay. I've got you. I'm with you. I'm not going to leave you, nor abandon you. I love you. No matter what. We'll get through this, together. Okay?" She pulled back to look him in the eye... 

He smiled gently as he gazed right back to her. Then he leaned forward, and left a sweet, lingering kiss on her forehead. Ladybug sighed quietly as her eyes slowly began to flutter shut 'Thank you my Lady'


"But even if that WERE the case..."

Hawkmoth was now pacing around as he began to monologue

"That would only explain why Chat Noir is missing, but not's not like she hasn't taken on an akuma without him before... and yet... the rest of the team is there, but still... UGH! WHY CAN'T I FIND HER?!"

He slams his cane down again, before pulling out... a cell phone?

"Nathalie... let Adrien out. Monitor him closely. Do NOT let him out of your sight, but let him out of his room... if this is what it takes to get her out in the open... then so be it... you know what to do."

Then he hung up the phone and looked back out towards the window, choosing to speak with the akuma once more...


Chat Noir looked startled...

One thing was clear...

Hawkmoth DEFINITELY knew him, and was... even so close with his father's assistant?...

'Just WHO exactly IS Hawkmoth? Why did it seem like Nathalie was listening to him? Did she know who she was talking to? No... n-no sh-she COULDN'T have... Nathalie... sh-she's too good for that... to KNOWINGLY OBEY a super VILLAIN-'

His shaking stopped at the feel of another, smaller, more gentle hand on top of his own...

He hadn't even realized when he had even STARTED to shake...

Ladybug looked into his eyes with a compassionate and confident look...

'Right... Ladybug... Marinette... I can't LOSE MYSELF like this... Get it back under control... Conceal... Don't feel... Pull it together... Focus... For her...'

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