Chapter 17 - A Dream Come True

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Adrien had been pacing back and forth in his room... 

His mind was racing between feelings of pride, confusion and horror... 

He'd pretty much just told the girl of his dreams that he was in love with her... 

Well, technically she didn't know he was talking about her, and, yes he HAD confessed to her as Chat Noir, but... 

For some reason, when he confessed to being in love as just plain Adrien... 

His heart almost pounded through his chest, and, he MIGHT have strained a muscle trying not to attack her, and kiss her on the spot... 

She was so beautiful, and modest, kind, sweet, and, you know... she really does smell like Vanilla. 

The poor boy fell face first onto his mattress and moaned 

"Oh stop your whining, it's your own fault for pursuing her in the first place. I mean, I DID offer to share my precious Camembert-"

"Pla, uh don wan yur supid sheese!" Adrien interrupted, face still buried in the comforter blanket

"Well excuse me for trying to help" Plagg snapped back, little arms crossed over his tiny chest. Five minutes later, Adrien was still face down and hadn't said a single thing more, "UGH! Fine, pout like a toddler, see if I care. If you need me, I'll be up in the library taking a nap" then Plagg flew up and out of sight.


Chat was sitting on the Eiffel Tower, staring out over the city. 

He rose to his feet, glancing towards where his home would be, he took a deep breath in 

"I have always dreamed, of a far of place, where a bright warm welcome, will be waiting for me"

he turned his glance to where he thought the Dupain-Cheng bakery would be 

"where a smile appears, when she sees my face" 

his own smile grew at the mere thought of his beautiful classmate 

"and a voice keeps saying, that is where I'm meant to be" 

he pulls out his baton and jumps off the tower 

"I will find my way, I can go the distance" 

he extends his baton to the ground, using it to lower himself 

"I'll be there someday, if I can be strong, I know every mile, will be worth my while" 

his feet meet the ground, and he retracts his baton, he looks towards the way of his cold, loveless home and sighs 

"I would go most anywhere, to feel," 

he turns, facing towards the way of the famous bakery, he smiles and spreads his arms, 

"like I, belong." 

He takes a deep breath, then pulls out his baton again, using it to lift him up to the closest building, then he starts running. A giant smile plastered on his face. His heartbeat keeps climbing, thumping against his chest, and yet, he doesn't feel out of breath at all... actually, its like this anxiety is actually giving him more energy, allowing him to go faster, and faster, and faster 


he ran, jumping over roof gaps with a single leap 

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