Chapter 27 - Tell-Tale Heart

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Ladybug swung through the Parisian night, following the overly dramatic sounds of a fight as she tried to stay focused on the task at hand. 

She rounded a corner and was able to spot her feral looking partner hiding behind a parked car as the Akuma was trying to shoot him with the ray beam coming from the bulb-less flashlight.

Ladybug landed on the patio just above where their fight was being held and climbed up onto the railing "HEY! Didn't anyone ever teach you it's not nice to torment animals?"

"Ladybug?" Chat looked shocked as he stared up at her. Why was she drawing attention to herself? Didn't she realize how CRUCIAL this Akuma WAS?! "LADYBUG, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"

"Just who do you think you are, anyway?" she ignored her panicking partner as she drew the attention of their opponent. 

To be honest, he looked kinda... mad. Not like, ANGRY mad, but more like... insane. Especially since he seemed to be wearing a broken straight jacket, shackled feet, wild hair, and was holding a broken flashlight, but the worst part about this... the Akuma... he couldn't have been more than eight years old. 

What could have POSSIBLY happened for a child's to not only become Akumatized, but to appear in such a state. 

The Akuma smirked. "Ah, Ladybug, we meet at last. Allow me to introduce myself... I am Tell-Tale Heart, and now, if you'd be ever so kind as to hand over your Miraculous, perhaps then I might consider letting you by unharmed. However, should you refuse-"

"Geeze Kid, just how old are you? You're talking like an old grandfather or something" Ladybug interrupted

"LADYBUG! GET OVER HERE, NOW!" Chat shouted from his spot behind the car.

Tell-Tale Hearts smirk fell to a scowl "You really should listen to your friend, Miss Ladybug" the Akuma raised his broken flashlight "It doesn't really matter my young age, nor how I speak, nor how I came to gain my powers... these things mean nothing compared to the guilt you're about to feel. Now, how about you start confessing that little secret you've been hiding? Huh?"

"LADYBUG!" Chat jumped to push her out of the way, but he was a second too late. 

Ladybug SCREAMED as she was hit by the beam before Chat tackled her to the ground.

"Ladybug? Ladybug common, wake up" 

Ladybug groaned as she reached to grab her head, starting to wake up. 

"Ladybug! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Yeah I'm fine" she heard a heartbeat. She ignored it as she began to rise to her feet

"Are you sure? You got hit. You've never gotten hit before, right?"

"N-No... no, I haven't" Was he seriously STILL playing that he doesn't actually know? FINE! Two can play at that game. She heard another heartbeat. "I'm fine Chat, really. It's weird, I don't feel any different at all, like, the ray didn't even do anything."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm fine Chat, now common! Even if his ray doesn't do anything, we have to fight this Akuma!" at that she jumped into action, Chat following quickly behind her. 


The battle went on for what felt like hours. All the while, she kept glancing back at her partner.

Look at him, acting like he doesn't know or something, like he DOESN'T know that SHE is Marinette. 

HOW can he be so... so CALM about this, huh? 

True Love's Kiss - A Miraculous Ladybug & Chat Noir FanficWhere stories live. Discover now