Chapter 15 - "I'd Still Love Him"

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Chat Noir vaulted through the three AM Parisian morning, running over rooftops, jumping over gaps, with only the after-storm wind hitting his serious face as his company. 

Finally he landed down on the street, standing in front of the closed bakery. He walked closer, never losing his expression... he HAD to know... 

he struck his baton to the ground and used it to vault himself up to a certain balcony. 

He landed on the floor of such with all the grace of a prowling cat. He walked over and peeked in through her skyroof window... just below... he saw her. Sleeping as peacefully as she had that last Akuma attack, except this time, she was laying part-way curled up on her side, her hair down and flowing over her pillow, a single strand in her face. She was beautiful. 

His heart skipped a beat. 'What am I doing?' His eyes widened as he stood to his feet. He began to pace 'I shouldn't be here... she's sleeping... what was I thinking, of course she's sleeping, it's...' he checks his baton and frowned 'three AM... there's school tomorrow, she needs to sleep... just what exactly was I going to do if she was awake? What? Walk up to her? Cup her face and kiss her senseless? Like she's mine or something? Hold her? Embrace her? Never let her go? Gosh,' "WHAT'S COME OVER ME?!" he slammed his hands over his mouth, and wide eyed, turn to look at the skyroof window... it was still shut. 

He sighed in relief, turned back around and walked over to the banister looking over Paris. He really hadn't meant to say that out loud... ESPECIALLY not THAT loud... he was just lucky she hadn't heard him



he spoke too soon.


She had just gotten home from her chat with Chat. She had just laid down her head for the night. She had just turned on her side and curled up just the smallest bit. She had just closed her eyes, thinking about the two blond boys in her life... Adrien, her friend and first love of her life, and Chat, her best friend and partner... Adrien, the Prince of her dreams, and Chat, her strange, silly Kitty Knight... Adrien Agreste, the one who hadn't kissed her, and Chat Noir, the one who had... she had just started to drift off into dreamland...


her eyes shot open as she quickly sat up, she scanned her surroundings from her spot on the bed. She looked at the clock "3:15?" She looked to the skyroof... 'there's only one person that could possibly be, or rather... one cat' she slowly stood on her bed, opened the window, and climbed up "Chat?"

He stiffened then slowly turned around to face her, scratching the back of his neck "ehehe, hi Princess"

"Chat... WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING HERE?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT TIME IT IS?! WE HAVE TO BE UP FOR SCHOOL IN A MEASLY FOUR HOURS!!! WHAT THE CRAP CHAT?!?!?!" she shouted, eyes and fists both squeezed tight. She sighed, pinching the brim of her nose "look... I... JUST went to bed, I'm exhausted, I would like to get some sort of sleep tonight, so would you kindly tell me just WHAT you are doing here so early in the morn-"

"What do you like about Adrien so much?" He asked without thinking (honestly, he'd stopped all thinking the moment he spun around and saw her)


"What do you" he took a step "Marinette Dupain-Cheng" towards her "like" another step "about Adrien" another step "so much?" He stopped, staring at her, awaiting her response

"I... I told you already"

"Tell me again" he took another step. 

Her gaze goes to the ground at her feet "He's... he's kind, and gentle... sweet, and generous... honest... he may seem like he has the perfect life, but I know he's just putting on a show... he's so selfless... he'll do anything he can just to make others happy... whether it's a friend, or his father... even if he doesn't exactly like it... he's so smart, and talented... sure, he has his flaws, like... he really puts himself down too much, he won't stand up for what HE wants, but... that's just him... that's... Adrien... what I love most though... are his eyes... even though they've seen pain I could never imagine, they are so full of kindness, gentleness, passion, longing... he-" she stopped. 

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