Chapter 22 - The Belle Of The Ball

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Marinette groggily reached around for her phone, not finding it right away, she pouted as she still refused to open her eyes "Tikkiiii" she whined

"It's right here Marinette" 

Mari felt Tikki place her cell in her hand, then she blindly pressed the receive button, bringing the phone to her ear "Hello?" it was too early for this

"Hello, Miss Dupain-Cheng, this is Nathalie Sancour. I was calling to let you know that we will be arriving to pick you up in exactly... five minutes." 

Nathalie? Why was Mr. Agreste's assistant calling her?... wait, what did she mean she was coming? To GET HER?! 

"Please be ready and waiting. We have much to do before the Ball tonight-"

"H-hold on" Mari interrupted, finally sitting up in bed. She chanced a glance at her clock... FIVE A.M.?! "I-I'm sorry Ms. Sancour but, I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about" Marinette waited as it seemed Nathalie was reviewing over her reason for calling

"... Did Adrien not ask you to attend the Royal Ball with him tonight?"

"He-he did, but... I never gave him an answer" another pause

"Do you not wish to go to the Ball Miss Dupain-Chang?"

"Oh, it's not that, I'd love to go, it's just-"

"Very well. We are on root to your residence, please be ready and waiting within the next three minutes, that is all"

"W-Wait, Nathalie- she hung up" Mari sighed as she fell back into bed

"Who was that Mari?" Tikki asked

"Mr. Agreste's assistant..." just then she heard a knock at her door

"Marinette Dear, you need to hurry and get up now, Ms. Nathalie just phoned and said she's on her way, she'll be here any moment now." 

Wait, her parents were in on it TOO?!

"Okay mom, I'm up"

"Breakfast is on the counter when you're done" then she heard her mother make her way back downstairs. 

Mari groaned as she finally got out of bed. Then she grabbed her phone and dialed a certain model as she began rummaging through her wardrobe



..- "Hello?" there was no sleep in his voice at all... was he already awake? At FIVE IN THE MORNING?! Actually, he sounded out of breath... what was he doing? "Mari?"

"Hi. So, I just got an interesting call... apparently your father's assistance is on her way over here to pick me up... thing is, I hadn't told you yet that I WOULD accompany you... actually, I had my alarm set for nine so I could call you for just that... so, WHY is your father's assistant currently two minutes away from my house?"

"Wait, what? You said Nathalie is going to your house?"

"Yes, she just called and told me to be ready... didn't you know about this?" she asked as she found a nice blue blouse with white lilies on it

"I swear Mari, I didn't know anything about this... gosh, and it's so early... I'm sorry Marinette"

"Just how did she know that you asked me?" she asked as she picked a clean pair of white jeans to go with the top

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