5 ♜ Lovesick Assholes

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Please vote and comment because I literally have no idea how many people are active readers and I really want to know x

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  Spencer practically skipped home after his date with Amelie. He was like Gene Kelly in 'Singin' in the Rain'. Amelie was the Kathy Selden to his Don Lockwood. She was the music in a rainstorm.

  He was already planning their next date. Maybe they could go wine tasting. Or to a film festival. Or Paris. However, Amelie beat him to it three hours after their lunch date when she texted him the two words that got every guy excited. Two words that made him want to run barefoot on the filthy New York sidewalk just to get to Amelie quicker instead of wasting time putting on shoes.

  'Come over'

  Exactly thirteen minutes after her text was delivered, Spencer found himself panting for breath on the elevator ride up to her apartment. There was really no logical explanation for why he ran to her house instead of driving. Sure, it was quicker but by the time he reached her house he was out of breath and sweaty. He pushed up his steaming glasses and adjusted his nose ring that had been so loose it could have fallen out at any second. The nose ring was relatively new and was inspired by Tupac Shakur. The glasses were old because Spencer had terrible vision (probably from his childhood where he used to pretend to be asleep but really be straining his eyes reading in the dark). He combed his fingers through his hair and smelled his t-shirt to make sure it still smelt okay. It didn't but it was too late to change. It was fine though because if things went according to plan, it would be off very quickly.

The elevator opened immediately into her living room where Amelie was sprawled on the couch reading a novel. Squinting his eyes, Spencer made out the title 'Anna Karenina'.

"I love Tolstoy," He said. Not even a hello. Just a nerdy statement. Wow he really sucked.


Spencer pointed awkwardly at her book. "The book you're reading."

"Oh!" Amelie nodded and placed it on the table. "It's for a college assignment. Have you read it?"

"Yeah. My sister gave it to me."

"She has good taste."

"Had," Spencer said, correcting her and wincing. "She, uh, passed away a few years ago." Why did he have to be such a downer? Now Amelie would feel awkward and apologetic. Way to go Spencer!

"Oh. Crap, I'm so sorry."

Spencer sat down beside her and smiled, trying to ease the awkwardness. "It's okay. I can talk about her without bursting into tears."

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