23 ♜ Quite Contrite

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  Spencer wanted to chase after her, knock down every door in Manhattan to find Amelie

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  Spencer wanted to chase after her, knock down every door in Manhattan to find Amelie. But his droopy eyes and nearly limp body were begging him to go to sleep.

He didn't even have the energy to change out of his clothes. Instead he threw his blazer and tie onto a chair and slipped off his shoes before collapsing on top of the bed with a loud and dramatic groan.

He went to sleep knowing that when he woke up he would only have one objective; finding Amelie. And he prayed that their relationship wasn't over. He wasn't ready for it to be over.


  Spencer woke up a few hours later, no more refreshed than he was when he went to sleep. But he didn't have time to go back to sleep. He needed to talk to Amelie. He needed to make amends.

  He didn't regret leaving her to go see Madeline. But he did regret the manner in which he left. Amelie had let him off with so many things but he went too far this time.

  It was seven o'clock which meant Amelie was probably going to head to the gym in a while. But where was she in the meantime? Spencer got dressed and headed to her old apartment praying that his suspicions were right. He pressed on the buzzer to her apartment and prayed she would let him in to talk to her.

  "Hello?" Her voice rasped through the speakers.

  Spencer let out a sigh of relief. "Amelie, it's me. Please let me in."

  She scoffed. "That's not going to happen."

  "Please. Look, I know I fucked up. I have a lot to explain. Just please give me a chance."

  "Goodbye Spencer-"

  "No, no, please. I have no excuses. I messed up and I should have considered your feelings. I was a massive asshole and I'm sorry. Just, please let me in."

  He could hear her sigh before the line cut. He tried to open the door but it was still locked. Spencer groaned and leaned against the glass door, not knowing what to do. He could try buzzing again but annoying her wouldn't really help his case, would it?

  Suddenly he heard the door click behind him. He lunged at it to open it before Amelie changed her mind. Then, he sprinted up two flights of stairs and to her door at the end of the corridor before rapping desperately on it.

  He could see the shadow of her feet under the door but she didn't open immediately.

  "Amelie..." He said slowly and softly. "Please."

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