15 ♜ Misleading

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  "Your hand is sticky

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"Your hand is sticky."

Spencer inspected his hands before shrugging. "Oh."

Amelie laughed before handing him a small bottle of hand sanitizer from her bag. "Use this."

Spencer took it from her and squirted a generous amount on his hands before rubbing them together. "I took too much. Give me your hands."

It probably defeated the purpose of the hand sanitizer but, nevertheless, Amelie placed her manicured hands in his and he massaged the rest of the gel onto them until it evaporated.

They had been resting on a park bench, eating the best falafel sandwiches they had in their lives, when Amelie suddenly slipped her hand in his. Ever since Spencer told her about Madeline, she has been more affectionate. When they walked, her hand would be swinging along with his. They went on a lot more dates. She kissed him a lot more as well; when they went to the movies, when they went to restaurants, when they watched TV, when they ate top-grade falafel sandwiches in the middle of Central Park....  Of course Spencer didn't mind the extra kissing at all. He was very happy with it. However, a part of him felt it was forced. It was like she was trying to prove something. Maybe she was trying to cover all the bases Madeline had touched. Or maybe she was trying to make him forget about Madeline.

  "Ugh, I have to get back to work," Amelie sighed. She looked over to Spencer and chuckled. "You got tahini all over your mouth."

Spencer laughed before hugging her tightly and planting sloppy kisses all over her face. She squealed and pushed him off of her.

"Now you got tahini all over your mouth!"

She laughed and wiped her face with a napkin. "What are you up to later? Let's go out somewhere."

"I can't. I'm having dinner with my mom."

Amelie pouted. "Afterwards? Come over to my place and we can watch a movie or something."

Spencer thought for a moment. "Or.... how about you come to dinner with me?"

Her head whipped around to look at him. "Huh?"

"Come meet my mom!"

Her face twisted in surprise and she bit her lip nervously. "Um...yeah. Okay, sure. Do you think we're ready for all that?"

Spencer nodded quickly without thinking. "Definitely! We've been going out for more than a month. I think we're ready!"

She nodded as a smile appeared on her face. "Okay. Um, I'll see you after work."

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