19 ♜ Bad Decisions

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   'Even if I was single, I still wouldn't choose you'

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   'Even if I was single, I still wouldn't choose you'.

  The words were stuck in Spencer's heads like the chants of an angry mob. He stood frozen by her dressing table, staring at the shut door. His chest felt tight, like his heart could just pop out at any second.

   'Even if I was single, I still wouldn't choose you'.

That was it. Five years of being in love with her, one-thousand eight-hundred and twenty-five days if actually believing he had a shot with her.

   'Even if I was single, I still wouldn't choose you'.

Had he changed? Was that the reason she didn't love him? Or was it the opposite. No. It was that he hadn't changed at all. She clearly said he was acting "just as entitled" as he was in high school. As if he had some claim on her. No, no. She understood him wrong. He had to tell her again. She wasn't getting how much she meant to him.

But as he was leaving the room, he paused after getting a glimpse of himself in the mirror. As a filmmaker, Spencer knew what this part meant. It was like that point in a movie when the main protagonist would see themselves in the mirror and realise how much they had degenerated and/or changed. But Spencer saw something else. He saw the gowns hung behind him and the many bouquets of flowers on the bed and a big teddy bear holding a heart with the words 'I Love You' on it. A ceramic jewellery box overfilled with pendants and rings and congratulatory cards everywhere.

'Let me be happy.'

  He finally understood.

  She had said it so many times but all he could hear was himself. She was happy with Blake. And she wanted Spencer to accept that. She wanted him to move on. He was too selfish to see how happy and in love she was. He was too caught up in a dream to realise his reality.

Madeline had moved on.


After arriving home, having spent the two hour car journey thinking, Spencer had come to the realisations that he had to break up with Amelie. He liked her but he had betrayed her too many times and that wasn't the type of person he was. She deserved much better.

  But it wasn't an easy decision to come to. He knew he was being selfish but he really liked Amelie. She was his light. And with the newfound closure he got from Madeline maybe he could finally have begun to love Amelie. But it would be too wrong. He had to accept his wrongdoings and try to make amends. It was his own fault. His own selfishness had led him to this moment.

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