22 ♜ Red Herring

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The guests erupted into confused whispers

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The guests erupted into confused whispers.

  "Kingsley, I thought you said your conversation went well."

Spencer turned to face Amelie and furrowed his eyebrows. "I...I thought it did. I mean she really loved Blake I don't know why the wedding is off."

They felt a tap on their shoulders and turned to face Maria who had an unimpressed look on her face.

  "Yo, I just talked to Blake's mom and apparently Madeline Lockhart is the one who called off the wedding."

  "What?! Why?!" Spencer asked.

  Maria shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. But she's gone AWOL. No one knows where she is."

  Someone called out Maria's name and she excused herself before leaving Spencer and Amelie.

  Amelie exhaled and shook her head. "Poor Blake. His entire family is here. This must be so humiliating for him."

  "I have to go find her."

  Amelie whipped her head around and scoffed. "What?!"

  Spencer ignored her and looked around. He spotted Jamal and Priya talking to the groom's parents. Maybe Jamal would know where his daughter was.

What happened? Why did Madeline cancel the wedding?

"I- I have to go."


Spencer stood up and looked around. Jamal had disappeared and now he didn't have anyone to ask where Madeline went.

Amelie held him back as he was about to leave. Her face was furious.

"Spencer! Are you serious right now? You talked to her already! She doesn't need you right now."

"I'm sorry but I have to go make sure she's okay."

"Spencer, if you walk away from me right now I don't know if I can ever forgive you."

Spencer let out a strained breath just as Priya walked past them. This was his chance. She would know where Madeline was.

"Amelie, I'm sorry. I really am."

Before she could object any more, he pulled his arm out of her grip and chased after Madeline's stepmom. He could hear Amelie calling after him. He prayed this wouldn't cost him their relationship but he had to find Madeline. They were friends now and friends made sure each other was okay. No ulterior motive. He just wanted to make sure Madeline wasn't crying alone somewhere.

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