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**Strong Language Throughout The Story Not Necessarily This Chapter**

The Grim Reaper.

A personification of death.

Feared by angels and demons.

-Nobody's POV-

The Grim Reaper walked at a leisurely pace along the blood soaked sidewalks of hell. Demons stepped aside, avoiding eye contact or turning the opposite direction all together as they walked down the sidewalk. The hood of their cloak is drawn up, shadowing their features from the underworld and their scythe was held on their back by nothing in particular, a small fairy-like creature resting on the end of the blade of the scythe.

The fairy-like creature was about the size of an average-sized hand. It had its own tiny cloak with its hood up, but the cloak was short and ended at it's elbows. It wore a small black dress, the skirt of the dress rather poofy and had long sleeves that ended at the wrists. It wore white leggings with small black flats as well as a skeleton mask, hiding its features from the world as well. It had long black wavy hair that cascaded down its tiny shoulders. Judging by the appearance, it was female.

'Where is the Grim Reaper going?' you might question. Well, a week ago the Reaper was watching the news during a rare break time. It was the news channel '666 News' to be exact. Hell's news always had such exciting stories all the time. It was extremely entertaining. There wasn't much going on then, though. They were only talking about the ongoing 'Turf-Wars' until it cut to commercial.

*a few drug distributor and I.M.P ads later*

Charlie, the princess of hell, announced a new hotel named 'Happy Hotel' and it's main purpose was to try to 'rehabilitate sinners' so they can be sent to heaven and decrease population in hell in a more humane way rather than exterminations. The Reaper thought that the idea wasn't bad, but wondered if it would even work. By the reaction of Katie Killjoy, the news lady, she obviously thought the same thing, but thought it was a rather stupid idea all together.

That's why the Reaper is here in hell now. They wanted to help in any way they could to get this to work. They could see where Charlie was coming from and supported her idea. So here they are. Waking down the sidewalks of hell, heading to their destination. The Happy Hotel.

Little did the Reaper know she was about to enter a hotel that will change her life.

*this story is coming from someone who has only watched the pilot. I've heard of Baxter and Mimzy but I honestly have no clue how people know about them lmao. I've searched to see if there was some kind of comic or something but there wasn't so if anyone would like to explain that to me that would be so awesome! Anyway I love Husk so much and ima try extra hard not to lose inspiration and make this fic enjoyable. Thanks for reading!*

[EDITED x3] 512 words

This story is currently being edited so some comments you may see might not make sense.

Stay Tuned~

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