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After crushing the orb in my palm I ended up in the middle of a wooded area. It was cold. Very cold. I pulled my hood up and shivered. As I looked around I noticed it was nighttime...well that's what it seemed to be. It was very dark. I walked along a path that I was standing on and hugged myself for warmth.

After a while of walking and finding nothing I decided to go airborne. Last night when I was preparing for this I studied the types of creatures here. There was only one species that can take flight but they are extremely common and dangerous. Sure they are small and they kind of look like bats but one bite can set your skin ablaze. Literally. It would burn your skin from the inside out. I better watch out for those little gremlins. Pyro bats.

With one mighty flap of my large wings I was off the ground. I looked around but didn't find anything. It was too dark. As I looked closer I noticed a dim light in the distance. It was something other than darkness so I flew towards it. It was quite foggy so it just came out as an orange blur.

I landed a large distance away from it, not knowing what it was. I hid behind a tree and slowly peeked my (h/c) head out. Squinting, I noticed that it was a torch. I slowly walked closer to it, scythe in hand ready to fight. As I got closer I noticed a large mossy stone staircase leading up a mountain.

I cautiously climbed the first step, but as I stepped on the second step the long staircase was lit up by many torches being set aflame by nothing in particular. The light traveled up the sides of the mossy staircase until it reached the top where I assume the fountain was at.

With a deep breath I climbed my way further up the stairs. Sure there were a few cliche traps here and there like flaming arrows and tripwires but nothing I couldn't handle.

Finally I made it to the top only to be greeted by a large silent arena. Slowly, I walked to the center of the arena. It was eerie and quiet.

Suddenly the silence was cut off by a large thundering boom. The gates had closed.

I whipped my head around on high alert. That's when I heard it.

A low guttural growl that vibrated my being coming from right behind me.

I slowly turned around to see a large giant of a monster. It's sharp teeth about the size of my forearm shined brightly on the outside of its mouth. The dead soulless grey eyes. The large claws and slimy body.

I remembered this beast from the books I had read.

"...Soul Catcher..." I whispered shakily under my breath.

A Soul Catcher is an extremely rare species. Stare too long into its eyes and it would basically catch your soul and eat it. The thing is after it eats your soul you are forever stuck in your worst nightmare until someone slays the beast. Only one person has killed a Soul Catcher before but that was a long, long, time ago. It can light up its eyes to lure ones sight into its eyes much like an Anglerfish.

I jumped back just as it screeched an ear piercing roar. ("do the roar." sorry I had to.)  I tried my best to keep my eyes away from its own once it lit up its eyes.

I inhaled and held my breath knowing that Soul Catchers are blind but have an incredible sense of hearing.

I slowly bent down and picked up a small piece of rubble and threw it. It hit the wall behind the SC and made a loud knock.

The SC whipped around and screeched once again at the sound as it bolted forward and hit the wall. (Dumbass)

I took this as a chance and flew forward, attacking from behind.

-One long epic fight scene later bc I'm lazy-

I had many scrapes, bruises, and gashes that littered my frame. My cloak was ripped off of me and torn to shreds, but I was winning.

The SC was breathing heavily. My own lungs begged for air, but I was right next to the SC so I couldn't breath just yet.

I slowly made my way closer and closer to the SC and once I was close enough to it's large slimy neck I sliced my scythe through the air and slit open it's throat. I flew back out of the way of the acidic SC blood as the thing let out an extremely loud agonizing screech of pain then it went silent.

The creature dropped to the floor and fell limp. I gasped for air and fell to my knees.

"That's a story to tell the grandchildren." I whispered through gasps and chuckled. (Half cat bird and half reaper grandchildren might I add ;))

After a while of resting I got up and limped to the now open gate on the opposite side of the entrance.

I walked through a garden of flowers until I entered a large beautiful opening and in the center sat a fountain.

The fountain of regeneration.

The fountain of life.

* :D

Stay Tuned~

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