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I woke up but stayed in bed with my eyes closed for like thirty minutes like I normally do. With a sigh I decide it's probably time to get up. I groan and sit up with my hair going in all sorts of ways. Pushing my hair out of my face I look at the digital clock on my nightstand.


I sigh remembering what Charlie told me when we were at the bar.

"We normally do breakfast by 6:40 then start working by 7:00."

I sigh again and check up on Ani because I heard a small groan come from her...it was so cute.

"Morning Ani." I said quietly.

She sat up and smiled at me and I smiled back.

"How about we get some breakfast?" I asked.

Her eyes lit up and she started jumping on her bed making exited noises. My fairies don't talk all they do is make noises that express their emotions.

I chuckled and stood up stretching. Ani flew over to me with her small black fairy wings and sat on my shoulder ready for breakfast.

I looked in the mirror to make sure I at least looked presentable. A few seconds of finger combing my hair later my hair was smoothed down but still a little poofy. With a shrug I walked out of my room and headed to the lobby where I can get to the dining hall.

Finally I reached the dining hall and noticed Vaggie, Charlie, and Angel already sitting at the table.

"Good morning y/n!" Charlie said enthusiastically.

'She has a lot of energy this early in the morning' I thought.

"Morning." I mumbled back rubbing my eye.

"Alastor is cooking us breakfast like he always does. He should be done any minute now." She explained.

I sat down next to Angel on the other side of Vaggie. I noticed Vaggie already eating cereal but shrugged my shoulders knowing Vaggie didn't trust Alastor one bit so why would she eat his food?

"Who's this lil baby?" Angel said from beside me gesturing towards Ani.

"Ah. Thats Ani." I responded.

Ani stood up and waved at Angel Dust making happy noises.

"Hehe shes cute." Angel said smiling back at her.

"She is!" Charlie said fawning over her.

I smiled shaking my head as I watched my newfound friends fawn over Ani.

We heard someone enter the dining hall so we all looked over. Husk came shuffling in tiredly rubbing his eye.

"Good morning Husk!" Charlie said enthusiastically like before.

She received a grunt in response from the cat demon.

Husk shuffled over to the seat beside Vaggie and slumped down in the chair. Not long after Alastor came in with plates of pancakes in his hand looking happy as always. He sat the plates in front of all of us except Vaggie who was munching on her cereal. Alastor sat down at the end of the table next to Charlie.

We all mumbled our thanks some more enthusiastically than others.

I took a bite of my pancakes and my eyes shine with delight. It was amazing! Pancakes are so easy to make so how'd he make them so well?!

I cut off a small piece and put it at the rim of my plate for Ani to enjoy. Once she bit into the small piece of pancake she made extra happy noises. She scarfed down the rest in an instant. She walked across the table over to Alastor and made grateful noises.

Alastor looked at her in confusion so I spoke up.

"Shes saying thank you." I stated.

"Oh! Why you are welcome my dear!" He said smiling a genuine smile at the small fairy.

We all continued to eat our amazing breakfast making conversation a few times.

It was a fun morning so far.

*everyone loves Ani

Stay Tuned~

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