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I entered my room and closed the door behind me. The room was pretty nice compared to the rest of the hotel. The walls were a whiteish red which made the overall wall color a faint pink. The carpet was red and the bedsheets were white. Across from the bed was a small TV and near the front door there was a closet on the left and on the right was a door to the bathroom. Right across from the front door was a balcony door.

I walked further into the room and sat on the fluffy bed, feeling the comforter underneath my fingers. I let gravity win and fell back against the soft bed. It made a 'poof' sound as my body hit it heavily.

Ani, my little fairy helper, flew above my face and booped my nose, squeaking in such a way to tell me that I did good. She's kind of my emotional support. I don't know what I'd do without her. I smiled at her and she lied down beside my head, making snow angels in the comforter.

We just sat there for a bit before I decided to get up and remove my cloak, hanging it on my scythe that was already leaned against the wall next to the black nightstand.

I was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and black baggy sweatpants. I prefer comfort over style plus it's not like anyone is going to see my outfit underneath my cloak. My black shirt was rather tight around me and stuck to my skin. I had a large hole in the middle back of the shirt for my retractable black feathered wings. Like crow wings.

Nobody really knows about the wings because nobody really sees my work in action and remembers it but they are there when I use them. Most think I levitate or something, but I don't. They don't know anything about me. All they believe are the rumors spread around to make me seem like a bad person. That's why everyone is so afraid of me. It was chaos in hell one day a few thousand years ago and Lucifer asked me to handle it. Him being my boss, I couldn't turn him down. I ended up erasing millions of souls from existence single handedly. The Great Extermination. Ever since then, everyone below me has been afraid. I still get nightmares from the bloodshed caused by my hands.

I shook my head to get the thoughts away before holding my arms above my head and stretching out as far as I could until I heard a few satisfying pops in my back. I let my arms fall as a sigh escaped my lips. I wasn't tired yet because it was still fairly early so I decided to walk around a bit.

I exited my room and looked around before walking towards the elevator and stepping in. I pressed the lobby button to take me to the lobby. The doors closed and I felt the elevator move. A moment later the elevator finally stopped and the doors opened. I walked out and headed to the bar I saw earlier.

*hehe sorry I haven't updated in a few days. I got distracted.

Edited 542 words.

*Editing AN: I think I might combine chapters. These are too short. Should I?

Stay Tuned~

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