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It's been three days since Charlie announced the 'fundraiser' event and I've hardly practiced. I've heard Charlie practicing here and there and I knew I should be practicing but I never really felt like it.

Right now I'm in the small dressing room set up behind the stage in the front of the hotel. I was wearing (whatever you want to wear). There were a lot of demons outside and to be honest I was a little nervous.

Ani was sitting on the small jewelry box in front of me.

"Ani...what if...what if I mess up? I didn't practice at all. Now I'm really regretting volunteering." I sighed.

"*reassuring noises*" Ani flew up to my head and patted my nose.

I smiled. "Thank you Ani." I quietly laughed.

She smiled.


Alastor and Charlie have finished their performances and I was up next.

'Breath in'

'Breath out'

I thought to myself.

'Okay y/n. You got this.'

"Please welcome Y/n!!!" Charlie announced.

The audience applauded. (surprisingly)

I started walking onto the stage and sat down on the piano bench readying my fingers.

I exhaled.

My fingers hit the first few notes then I started singing confidently to mask my nerves.

Lay Me Down-Sam Smith cover by Samantha Harvey
*this cover omg. her voice is amazing

After I finished singing the crowd was silent. I slowly looked over to them. They all started screaming and applauding. I looked over to the portable bar and saw Charlie with the biggest smile on her face, Vaggie and Angel with their jaws dropped, Alastor and Nifty applauding, and Husk with his eyes wide and face flushed. I assumed it was because of all the alcohol he's been drinking.

I felt my cheeks heat up from all the attention and compliments. I quickly stood up and bowed then left the stage. I opened the door and instantly I was hugged by a small Ani.

"*happy noises* *amazement noises*"

"Thanks Ani." I said with a big smile on my face and gently patted her small head with my finger.

"Y/N!!" I heard a door slam open and Charlie screaming my name. "HOW-WHEN-WHAT??!!" She yelled.

Angel, Alastor, Vaggie, and Nifty were behind her.

"Calm down Charlie." I said chuckling.

"I never knew you could sing and play piano like that! You were amazing! And I didn't hear you practice once!" She said engulfing me in a huge hug. I hugged her back.

"To be honest, I was super nervous." I admitted.

"You did wonderful dear!" Alastor complimented.

"Thank you Alastor." I said with a smile.

"Yea that was amazing." Vaggie agreed.

"Thank you." I said still smiling.

"I don't think I've ever seen ya smile this much before." Angel stated.

"Well.." I replied.

After some joking around and drinking at the bar the event finally ended. I didn't see Husk the rest of the party since I was on stage.

After washing up and changing into some pajamas I went to the lobby to go get some fruit snacks I was oh so craving at the moment. (How the author is actually feeling rn)

I walked to the bar and I saw Husk cleaning the rest of the glasses.

"Hey Husk. What happened? You just kinda disappeared." I called to him.

He visibly flinched but kept his back turned to me.

"Uh-I wasn't feelin' too good. Drank too much you know?" He explained.

"Oh. You feeling better?" I asked.

"Uh..yea. Yea I'm fine." He replied.

"Ok well I was just gonna get some snacks then head up for bed." I said grabbing the snacks from behind the counter. I caught a glimpse of the side of his face and it was completely flushed red. I got concerned.

"Hey Husk? Your face is red. You sure you're okay?" I asked.

"Yea. Yep. All good. Night." He said running into the back room.

"Night..." I responded confused. I shrugged and went back to my room.

*whoo ima go eat some fruit snaccs now

Stay Tuned~

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