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*holy shit 22 chapters already?
**warning blood**

Once I saw the fountain a large smile made its way onto my blood stained, scraped, and bruised cheeks.

I limped as fast as I could to the fountain. Reaching into my pocket, I pulled out the small bottle containing Ani's DNA.

I then dropped the hair into the glowing blue water and watched it sink to the bottom.

I quickly closed my eyes and ran through the steps.

I think of Ani's form and voice. I think of her personality and traits. I think of her relationships and hobbies. I think of everything that Ani once was.

I open my eyes and look into the water. The strand of hair was glowing a bright blue. It started shifting and elongating into...words?

An ancient language.

I knew what it said and when I read it it made my blood run cold.

"Sacrifice..." I whispered under my breath. "W-what does it mean sacrif- oh..."

Suddenly I remembered I must sacrifice something of large value to myself. I didn't really have anything on my except my scythe and I can't sacrifice that because I wouldn't get another one and I'd probably get 'fired'. I shivered at the thought.

I thought for a moment then it came to me. My eyes widened and my heart rate picked up. I looked behind me at my shortened wings.

"I-I don't have anything else of higher value..." I whispered to myself.

I sucked in a deep breath and looked forward. "For Ani..." I whispered as I shut my eyes tight. I brought my scythe behind me to where the blade was at the base of my wings.

"FOR ANI!!!" I yelled and yanked my scythe up.

All I could see was white. All I could feel was pain. The two thumps in the ground is what brought me out of my trance.

"AGHHHHHHH!!" I screamed in agony.

I couldn't feel anything else but pain. Weight had been taken off my back and I felt lighter, but that wasn't what I was paying attention to.

I screamed until my vocal chords gave out. Tears of pain streamed down my face. I felt dizzy and light headed. I was losing blood fast.

Quickly, I ripped my pant leg up to my mid thigh and tied it around my chest to help stop the bleeding from where my wings used to be.

"O-okay I...I sacrificed something of high value. N-now what?" I said weakly.

I watched the words spell something else out.

"Blood" it read.

I got the message and dipped my blood soaked hand in the water. I watched as my own blood swirled around in the water connecting with the blue strand.

Suddenly a bright blue light was emitted and I shielded my eyes.

I opened them once more to find a perfectly okay Ani floating in the water.

I smiled brightly as tears of joy cascaded down my face.

"A-Ani?" I asked.

She sat up on the leaf that was used as a 'boat' for her to float on.

She looked up at me and smiled but her smile instantly faded as she saw my condition.

"*worry*" Ani squeaks.

I smiled and shook my head. "I'm okay. Let's go home." I said weakly.

She nodded and sat on my bloodied shoulder gently, frowning at the sight of my missing wings.

I grabbed an orb from my pocket and crushed it.

My world blurred then came back and I was in front of the happy hotel.


Stay Tuned~

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