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Contains Gore

Its been a few days since the Fat Nuggets incident. Charlie gave me a real job which is waitressing for breakfast, lunch, and dinner but between those times I greet demons and show them to their room. Every lunch break I would go to the bar and hang out with Husk or go check on Ani and Angel. Husk and I have gotten closer and Ani and Angel have been inseparable. I don't understand why they get along so well to be honest. Angel is nowhere near innocent and Ani is the most innocent a living thing can get. I have made sure he doesn't expose her to anything she that would ruin that innocence.

I've introduced Ani to every one of the staff members and they all love her. Nifty and Angel are her two best friends but Angel is number one on her list besides me. Husk likes her I guess. Vaggie thinks shes cute but doesn't pay much mind to her. Charlie adores her and Ani adores Charlie. Charlie is like her role model. I'm happy Ani is making friends. It's like seeing your child go into school for the first time and make friends. Im happy if she's happy.

Right now the hotel is getting some business and I am currently cleaning tables. Charlie added a few tables in front of the bar so thats where my station is.

I finally finished cleaning the last table. Wiping imaginary sweat off my forehead I walked over to the bar for a snack. I hid a bunch of fruit snacks under the bar for Husk and I to enjoy when there is nothing to do.

"Hey Husk! Snack!" I yelled while walking over to the bar.

He looked at me then dipped down under the counter and grabbed a pack if fruit snacks. The tossed them to me and I caught them.

"Thanks." I said.

"Yup." He responded.

"Just a few more hours...then we can sleep." I said exhausted leaning on the bar once i reached it.

Suddenly a beeping sound resonated from my skull bracelet. I only get alerts on my bracelet for soul pick-ups when a catastrophic event has happened in the land of the living.

"Whats that?" Husk asked.

"An alert...If Charlie asks where I am tell her I said 'business'. She'll understand." I said.

He nodded his head in understanding.

I summoned my cloak and scythe after scanning the area for any demons. I pulled the hood up and grabbed an orb from the pouch on my scythe. I thought of the alert and crushed the orb leaving Husk in a state of pure confusion.

Just as my world disappeared it reappeared in an underground subway track. The scene around me was horrifying. The subway de-railed and crashed. There were bodies everywhere of all ages. Some in good condition and some in conditions you couldn't even tell it was human. I have seen these things before many times but I could never get used to it. It especially saddens me when I have to reap a child's soul.

I started reaping souls left and right sending them to heaven to be evaluated. After a while I was looking around for any more souls. I could sense one hiding behind a large piece of rubble.

I looked behind the rubble and my eyes widened. I could feel the tears sting my eyes as I looked at the small girl in front of me hiding next to her body.

She looked exactly like Ani.

I felt the tears fall down my face as I watched the scared girl cry. I looked at the body but quickly looked away. I didn't want to see that. But by just a glance the image was burned into my brain. Her right arm was missing along with her left leg. She had blood all over her face and body. She had three rods impaled through her stomach and chest. Her right leg was skinned down to the bone and she was missing an eye.

I walked over to the little girl's soul and turned my back to the body. The tears never stopping.

"Hey." I said softly.

"..*sniff* ha-have you seen m-my mommy? I-I can't f-find her a-anywhere." She said.

I felt more tears fall down my face.

"Maybe. How about I take you to her sweetheart?" I asked.

"Really? I-I just want to see m-my mommy. Y-you'll really take me to her?" She asked.

"Yea. What does she look like?" I asked.

"Sh-she has black hair and bl-blue eyes." She explained.

I thought for a moment.

"Actually I think I saw her. Come with me." I said wiping my eyes and extending my hand out to her.

She hesitated.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you." I reassured pulling my hood down.

She took my hand and I took out another orb and warped us to the gates of heaven. I looked at the long growing line of souls for the little girl's mother.

"Sadie? Sadie is that you?!" I heard a voice say from behind us.

"Mommy!" The little girl ran to her mom and hugged her.

"Oh honey. My baby. You aren't supposed to be here yet. My poor baby." The mother cried.

She looked at me. "Thank you for bringing her here to me." She said.

I nodded and warped to the Hotel with another orb. I stared at the front door for a bit remembering the little girl's body. I felt the tears sting my eyes again but didn't try to hold them back. The tears came pouring out of my eyes. I needed to se Ani. I needed to make sure she was safe.

With a sob I rushed into the hotel and slammed the doors behind me with a bang. This got everyone's attention. Everyone was in the lobby sitting at the bar.

"Y/n?" Charlie asked.

"A-Ani...Angel wheres Ani?!" I asked with tears still pouring out of my eyes as I walked to Angel.

"Uh..your room. She went n' there ta sleep." He said with wide eyes.

I ran up to my room and opened the door quietly but quickly.

There I saw Ani curled up in her bed sleeping soundly. I smiled as my worried tears turned to happy tears.

*I know kinda angsty but I made this a longer chapter. Im kinda getting stumped on ideas.

Stay Tuned~

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