10. Elle

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As I rolled around in bed, enjoying the morning sunshine like I've never felt it's warmth ever before, I realize this is probably the first time in a long time that I don't have a schedule planned for me. Being a workaholic, I never really gave myself a vacation. It was always either travelling around for work or coming home to take care of Victor.

And now that I didn't have either one to do, I feel strangely relaxed. Except, you've been kept here against your will. Just for few minutes I wanted to forget the fact that I have been kidnapped and cherish this moment to myself. Might seem like a dumb thing to do but honestly, I didn't give a shit.

Throwing my legs over the edge of the bed, I walk around my prison, still dressed in last night's clothes. Logan's jacket clung loosely on my frame and I wondered how mad he would be to find it crinkled to the point of no repair. For some reason that made me happy, although I'm certain he wouldn't give a damn about a piece of clothing. I hadn't bothered to pay any attention before but now that I'm actually examining this room, it beautiful. There's a crystal chandeliar hanging up in the middle and underneath it are two lounge chairs facing each other. To my right, next to the bathroom are rows of closets and I make my way to them, remembering how Logan had pulled out clothes for me out of them yesterday.

Out of curiosity I wanted to know if he had anything else in store for me. Deep down I was expecting to find a couple of old, probably used items in there but not even once did I imagine that I'd be seeing closets full of brand new, designer clothes, some of them even had the tags still on. Everything a girl could ever think of owning was in here, dresses, jeans, blouses, lingerie. Shit! I don't even have these many clothes at home!

What was creepier? Each and every piece was in my size. They even got my bra size right. My head started to hurt just thinking how they could've gotten all this and why? Was this Logan's idea? How much planning had gone into my kidnapping? Had they been watching me all this time? Did they ever follow me home? Most importantly, how long was he planning on keeping me here?

Holy fuck!

I took a step back, too overwhelmed with every fucking thing. Find a way out. My brain went into a full blown anxiety mode. Usually when this happened I'd ball up in a corner but not today, I felt like if I spent another second within these four walls I was going to die. Before I knew it I was reaching for the door and I thanked the heavens above when I found it unlocked. I rushed out not caring if I was going to get caught. I didn't know my way around this place and I wasn't up for playing maze hunt at the moment so I went to the one place I knew for sure.

Down the flight of stairs, I headed for the dining room, where a couple of maids were cleaning. They gave me a weak smile when they noticed me, but I couldn't care less, all that my eyes could see were the big French windows that opened out to the back yard and I went for it without second thoughts. I never thought I'd say this but for once I was glad to be out in the cold. My body went from being warm to ice cold in a split second but that didn't stop me. I kept walking, my gaze stuck on the forest up ahead. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" My heart beat stepped up at that voice and I considered running for the woods before I finally decided to turn around.

Elon McKenzie had a honey like voice compared to his older brother, however, they both had the same set of piercing golden gaze. Only, one was warmer than the other. "I suggest you go back before someone sees you out, besides you might fall sick" Was that a genuine concern I heard there? Either the man was good at pretending or he really had pity for me. Remember, no one is your ally here. And there it was, my anxiety kicking in again. "Hey, are you okay?" Elon reaches out a hand for me and my reflexes make me take a step back.

"It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you" He raises his arms in surrender and I catch a glimpse of the handgun tucked into the waistband of his jeans. Automatically, I start to hyperventilate. Jesus Christ! I hated guns! "I can't – I—Put it away" I must sound like a madman because the guy looked at me weirdly, wondering what the fuck was wrong with me. He traces my gaze back to the ammunition he had concealed and reached for it. My heart began to thunder in my chest as my lungs gasped for more air, the cold was finally getting to me.

I watched as Elon tossed his gun on the grass and took a step closer, only this time I didn't move. "Just breathe and you'll be fine" I did what he asked me as he caught my hand. I let him guide me back to the mansion, my head still buzzing. It was only when we reached the foot of the building did I catch a glimpse of the man. Standing on the balcony of what I assumed was his bedroom, he had a stoic expression on as he muttered things into his phone, all the while his gaze burned into me.

"Does that happen a lot?" Yes. But these guys don't need to know any more of my weaknesses. Elon hands me a glass of brandy and I consider my options for one whole minute. Any second now, Logan would be here and I know I can't handle him right now so I accept the glass and quickly empty its contents. "Why did you help me?" I ask straight up and the man stares at me in disbelief. "I can only say this for myself but I'm not interested in hurting you" I'm about to call him out on his lie when Logan strides into the room, dressed sharply in a black suit, which makes me wonder if he owns anything else.

"What happened?" His gaze is stuck on me but I know the question is meant for his brother. "I think she had a panic attack" Elon speaks retrieving the glass from my frozen hands and setting it aside. "Is she okay now?" He further enquires and I laugh at his failed attempt to show concern.

"What's so funny, Miss Lively?" His lips form a thin line. Despite the headache and the chills flowing through my body, I stand up, crossing my arms over my chest. "How about you cut out all the nonsense, Mr McKenzie? You're not fooling anybody" I sounded confident, even to myself. Must be the brandy.

"I'm going to get back to work" Elon excuses himself out of whatever awkward situation we have created. "You're still wearing that" Logan speaks to himself once his brother has left us. Yes, I slept in his jacket because it smelled of him but that's besides the point right now. "What are you trying to do?" I ask, frustrated and done with being kept in the dark.

"I beg your pardon" The man has the audacity to act nonchalant in front of me. Ugh. How I wanted to walk over to him and slap his face. "The clothes in the room, how long have you been planning my abduction?" Already I feel my heart pounding. Not again.

As if he read my mind, he offers me his hand, "You need rest, come" If only I could relax for more than two minutes. "I need answers" I know he has the upper hand and I'm begging my brain to come up with a leverage. Think goddammit. Only it wasn't helping in the slightest, so I kept shift my weight from one foot to another, something I tend to do in times of nervousness.

"Come with me and I'll consider answering your questions" That sounded tempting but why would he be willing to answer me? Everything this man does has an ulterior motive so what did he want now? I narrow my eyes at him, thinking maybe that'd help me figure him out but obviously I was out of luck.

"Are you giving me your word?" I ask him and his lips curl up into a smile.

When he nods I sidestep him, leaving his hand hanging in the air as I brush past him, determined to have some answers.

What do you guys think of Elon so far?

I don't even know how that name popped to my head!

Just a curious question, how often have you heard the name Elon?

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CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)Where stories live. Discover now