16. Elle

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I must have hit my head pretty darn hard because now I feel like I'm hallucinating. I scan the room that I'm standing in, not having the slightest memory of coming in here. All I know is when I woke up, Elon was there, trying to help me or create more troubles for me. Then Logan walked in and now he's asking me to marry him? Yeah, this isn't real.

Why would he want to marry me? And why am I making this kind of shit up? Did I want to marry this monster standing in front of me? Hell no. That's my second cue to believe this is all my imagination, he's dressed in jeans and throughout the span of time I've known him he's never worn anything apart from a suit. "What are you talking about? You need a registrar and witnesses" Elon roars from somewhere within the room, his voice making me wince as pain shoots from my ears to my head. I reach out to touch my forehead and the stickiness of fresh blood drying up makes me want to hurl. I fucking hated blood, especially after mom's accident, every time Victor got a cut it was a mission for me to face my fear. Even after all that time I still haven't gotten over it and that's just plain pathetic.

"I've got it covered, Doyle has the license to officiate us and as long as I remember this building was a legal venue to get married last time I checked. As for the witnesses, I have you and Lara"

Footsteps approach us and I see Lara walk into the room with Doyle. "You know you're making a mistake here"

"It's what I've decided, I have plans and if Miss Lively agrees to me, I'll take care of it" I don't bother looking up because none of these people are real. "Nobody's going to approve of it"

"I don't fucking care. I'm just trying to save her" Save me? Oh yeah. He did mention something about his father selling me off. "By getting married to her? She doesn't want you"

"She doesn't want you either" Even in my imagination things aren't going how I'd want them to be. How fucked up is that? Why can't I think about being home, safe and sound, with Victor sleeping in the next room? Why does it have to be this?

"I need to sit" I tell myself, wondering how the hell do I get out of this thing. The room goes quiet and then I hear footsteps followed by the rolling of wheels being dragged around. A set of warm, calloused hands touch my bare shoulder and guide me down to a seat. When I open my eyes I'm met with Logan's scorching gaze. With his face so close into view, he looks beautiful, just the frown on his forehead is ruining the perfect picture. Slowly, I take my hand and touch the man, trying to wipe off that stupid crease. It helps as he speaks, "What's your decision?"

What are we talking about again? Right, marriage. What were my other options?

I'm failing at saving myself, this is a complete disaster. "Why do you want to marry me?" I don't know what exactly I wanted to hear, that he finds me beautiful, that he likes me? "I've got my reasons" The reply I compel him to say doesn't make any sense just like the man is. I pictured him true to his nature, one where he won't give out anything he doesn't think is necessary to share. And I fucking loved it.

"Okay" I voice out and for a second I see surprise on his face but he washes it away with a nod. He pulls out a piece of paper from his jacket, walking over to the desk in front of the massive glass window. With one quick signature he turns to look at me, I stand up, my world shaking with every step. Do I want this? I ask myself as he offers his hand. Every time I try to think my head hurts so I decide to not think at all. After all this will all be gone when I wake up. The minute our hands make contact, he pulls me to him, taking my weight and my worries. No man has ever been able to do that, or rather I'd never let anyone.

I let him steady me as I grab the pen and sign my name next to his. "What now?" I ask, completely clueless with what's going to happen next. "Now I take care of everything" His words caused butterflies to flutter in my stomach but that was short lived as there is a knock on the door. We snap our heads in it's direction but only I get a rush from doing so. A man with a briefcase walks in and I turn to Logan as I feel him step away. I let go unwillingly, "He's a doctor" He says as he lets everyone sign the documents. "This is for her" Elon grunts as he scribbles on the paper and storms out of the room.

"Wait, you're leaving?" I ask in disbelief when I know he's about to go and my head didn't like any bit of that.

"I'll be back. Promise"




Was this all just Elle's imagination??

She did hit her head pretty hard...

Hurry! Read the next chapters to find out!

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