28. Elle

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I wake up feeling well rested and alone in the same plush grey bed. Not sure if I'm disappointed or actually relieved he's not here with me, I roll over. Checking my phone, there's a total of ten messages from Damian which only meant I was running late. If I were home right now, he'd have snuck his way into my apartment and pulled me out of the comforts of my bed. A thing he no longer is capable of.

I highly doubt that Logan would allow him inside the house, let alone to his room. And even if he squirmed his way through, there's no way in this world that he'd actually find me. I stare at the screen one more time before rolling out onto my feet.

In all honesty ten is least number of times he has buzzed my phone in all these years. I take a quick shower and get dressed in blue mom jeans and a green oversized hoodie. As I leave the room and head for the stairs, I'm feeling impressed with myself and how I successfully managed to block out every memory of Logan from last night.

Neither am I going to go look for him, not after yesterday's incidence in his office. Yeah, I'm not going there ever.

As soon as I reach the dining hall, I spot Damian at the table, sipping a cup of coffee and devouring whatever is left of the pancake on his plate. "What are you doing here?" I ask in disbelief.

"Oh, good morning! And you finally decided to wake up" He speaks with a mouthful and I cringe at him.

"Can you relax? We're not running late" I tell him, his habit of always being on top of everything can get annoying sometimes. "That's what you think, but if we miss this flight it's all on you" He takes another sip, totally contradicting his words.

"If we were really running late, you would've brought the whole house down by now" I roll my eyes to which he lifts his fork to me. Takes a deep swallow as he speaks, "As if I could ever bring this place down, it took me twenty minutes to find the washroom. I almost peed my fucking pants"

"I'd love to see that" I chuckle, Lara brings me a my breakfast and coffee.

"Did you pick your songs?"



"Good, cause we gotta get going" With that he wipes his mouth and rises up. I would've protested that I wanted to eat but I didn't because I wanted to get out already.

As soon as we reach the door, I notice my cello leaning against the door frame and the two men standing beside it. "What are you doing?" I question with a frown.

"We'll be coming along to make sure you're protected" Josh speaks, already picking up my case, ready to put it in the car. I turn my attention to Damian, who shrugs his shoulders.o

"I don't need protection, you both can stay here" I try to wave them off but I already knew I'm fighting a lost battle. I really didn't want to go face Logan but damn him for this. "It's what the boss wants Mrs McKenzie" Doyle adds.

"Doyle, get Elle's bags in the car" I didn't have to see his face to tell that he was in a bad mood. Doyle nods his head and picks up the suitcase at the door while I turn to my so called husband, make him back off from my work.

"Logan, I don't need your men to protect me" I state, eyeing him from head to toe. Spectacular, the only word that comes to my mind. How in the world am I married to this man?

"Yes you do, especially after last night, I'm not taking any chances" He states simply, his eyes revealing the calm before a storm. The question is am I willing to wait for that storm and let it ruin me?

"Does that mean those people are after me?" I ask.

"I don't know that yet so let them come with you" His crude tone is almost hurtful but I brace myself. I'm stronger than that.

"Fine" I square my shoulders, motioning Damian that we need to leave. I'm about to trail behind him when an arm grabs me by my waist. My back is pressed to his hard chest as he whispers in my ears, "I would've asked you to stay but I don't see that happening"

His breath arouses my senses and just like that all the things from yesterday that I had managed to block out come crashing to me. "What do you know Logan? Why aren't you telling me?" I ask weakly, already prepared to get nothing out of him. He turns me around so I'm now facing him, his golden eyes show genuine concern. I would have assumed it to be fake but after yesterday, I guess he really is worried. Although, I still don't know why.

"Okay, okay. I won't give them a hard time" He nods in agreement.

"I'll see you tomorrow" I push myself out of his hold, reluctantly. I wanted to stay right there, especially with his face so close to mine, I wanted to kiss him. He scans me all over, his gaze lingering on my lips for a little longer than necessary. The thought of not leaving seems so tempting right now but I push through that and take a step back. His arms slip from my waist and lay at his side.

His eyes follow me as I make my way out and slip into the car. Damian is already in the driver's seat, the questions on his mind were obvious but he will have to wait. Doyle and Josh follow us closely in a black rang rover all the way to the airport.

Once we've cleared security, I send a quick message to Vic, letting him know I'll be away for the night. When in reality I've been away from home for a while now. "You know what's weird, he managed to get them on the flight so easily, shows you just how far money can get you" Damian groans as he slips his shoes back on.

"It's not like he personally went and booked their tickets, he has people to get that done for him. And he probably fires the ones who can't deliver" I state.

"I bet he does. However, he still made some effort for your sake. Are you sure he's the bad guy?"

"Yes, don't let that face of his deceive you. He's a dangerous man" I link my arm with his as we make our way to the waiting area in front of our gate. I need some coffee and my eyes try to scan the place for a stall.

"Maybe but the way he looks at you, tell me it doesn't make your knees go weak"

My knees can go weak just thinking about him and I hate how he doesn't even have to be around me to have that effect. "You're only saying this because he fed you. What the fuck was that about? Did you forget whose side your on?" I question, sounding hurt that he enjoyed breakfast while I'm still looking for a cup of coffee.

"Definitely yours but unlike you I don't think I can afford to be on his bad side. Besides it's rude to reject people when they offer you food" He raises his hand in his defence and I almost roll my eyes.

"Sure, do you want any coffee?" I ask him when my gaze finally sees the green lady that belongs to Starbucks. He waves me off and I begin to make my way to my destination, soon enough both my bodyguards are on my tail. I wanted to run away from them but I reminded myself of last night and let them join me.

My brain would be at rest had Logan told me what exactly was happening. What did he know about those guys? Why were they following us?

Once I've placed my order, I turn to Josh since he's the one that Logan called in the car. "Do you know anything about the men that followed us last night?"

"I'm sorry Mrs McKenzie but I'm not allowed to share any information on that" He states plainly. His expression stoic and I frown at him. "So you do know something. I won't tell Logan, I promise" I try to lure him although I know he's just as tough as his boss.

"All I can say is we won't let anyone get to you"

I open my mouth to ask another question when the barista calls out my name, I grab my cup of coffee and start reading between the lines as I make my way back to Damian.

They definitely know more than what they're saying and the fact that they don't want me in only tells me this has got everything to do with me. So is someone after me? Who? And why? I pass a quick glance over my shoulder to the two men that Logan puts all his trust in. I have to come up with a plan to make them talk and I have to make use of this trip to get that information out of them.

What is Logan trying to keep from Elle?

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CAPTURED BY HIM (Book I: Captured series)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें